Group Members – Eden Ford

Eden Ford

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Quick Info

Eden Ford
219 Colburn Laboratory

Eden FordBio: Eden is originally from Edmonton, Alberta (Canada) / Three Forks, MT. She attended Massachusetts Institute of Technology, graduating with a B.S. in Chemical-Biological Engineering in 2015. Her undergraduate research included drug delivery via contact lens, microfluidic devices for blood separation, and characterization of polymeric materials used in vascular stents. In fall 2015 Eden began the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Ph.D. program at the University of Delaware.

Research Interests: Eden is studying the effect of synthetic fibrous structure and biochemical content on stem cell behavior in 3D, particularly in the context of connective tissue wound healing.

Fun Facts: Outside of lab, Eden enjoys reading, going on runs and hikes (or most anything outside), yoga, and the occasional nap.