Conference Proceeding
18. Agarwal, S. Komini Babu, A. Sievert, A. M. Park, T. Hopkins, S. Advani, A. K. Prasad, R. L. Borup, Crown ether as a chemical stabilizer for enhanced cerium stability and radical scavenging in proton exchange membranes, Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 242, no. 41, The Electrochemical Society, Inc., 2022, pp. 1521–1521.
17. Fidlow, T. A. Cender, P. Simacek, S. Yarlagadda, S. G. Advani, Extensional viscosity of thermoplastic tuff composites in stretch forming processes, SAMPE (2022).
16. T. A. Cender, H. Fidlow, S. Yarlagadda, D. Heider, P. Simacek, S. G. Advani, J. W. Gillespie Jr, Forming limits of tuff composites in stretch forming processes, SAMPE (2022). Modeling prediction/Computational methods (M. Fagerstrom, K. A. Kalteremidou)
15. Bancora Simone, Binetruy Christophe, Advani Suresh,(Comas-Cardona Sebastien), Leygue Adrien, Syerko Elena; “Efficient simulation of dual-scale flow in RTM processes by domain skeletonization,” ECCM 20, Lausanne, Switzerland, June (2022).
14. Schmidt Tim, Syerko Elena, May David, Binetruy Christophe, Silva Luisa, Lomov Stepan, Advani Suresh; “First insights from the Virtual permeability benchmark on a fibrous microstructure,” ECCM 20, Lausanne, Switzerland, June (2022).
13. Machado João M., Bodaghi Masoud, Camanho Pedro P., Advani Suresh G., Correia Nuno C.;”Void transport in liquid resin transfer flow through dual-scale fibre reinforcements,” ECCM 20, Lausanne, Switzerland, June (2022).
12. Mahé François, Binetruy Christophe, Advani Suresh, Férec Julien; “A multi-scale mechanical model for high fiber content SMC in compression molding,” ECCM 20, Lausanne, Switzerland, June (2022).
11. N. KERMANI, P. SIMACEK, S. G. ADVANI, Optimization of process parameters during co-cure of honeycomb sandwich structures, in: Proceedings of the American Society for Composites—Thirty-Sixth Technical Conference on Composite Materials, 2021.
10. Suresh G. Advani and John W. Gillespie, Editors, Recent Advances in Textile Composites, Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Textile CompositesDEStech Publishers, Lancaster, PA (2008)
9. S. G. Advani , Editor, “Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials,” (2004).
8. R. Pitchumani and S.G. Advani, Guest Editors, Polymer Composites, “Symposium on Polymer and Composite Materials Processing”, April 2003.
7. S. G. Advani and Abdallatiff, Guest Editors of Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (1999).
6. S. G. Advani and D. A. Siginer, “Rheology and Fluid Mechanics of Nonlinear Materials“, FED, Vol. 243, (1997) (New York).
5. D. A. Siginer and S. G. Advani, “Rheology and Fluid Mechanics of Nonlinear Materials”, AMD, Vol. 217, (1996) (New York).
4. S. G. Advani and C. Beckermann, Guest Editors, Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Vol. 115, ASME Publishers, New York (1993).
3. V. Kumar and S. G. Advani, Editors, Cellular Polymers, ASME MD, Vol. 38, New York (1992).
2. S. G. Advani, W. R. Blain, W. P. de Wilde, J. W. Gillespie, Jr., O. H. Griffin, Jr., Editors, Computer Aided Design in Composite Material Technology III, Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, New York (1992).
1. S. G. Advani and C. Beckermann, Editors, Heat and Mass Transfer in Solidification Processing, ASME HTD, Vol. 175, New York (1991)