Anjana Bhat, MS PT, PhD
Co-Director, Move2Learn Autism Lab
Delaware Autism Studies
Research Goals:
1) To evaluate effects of creative movement interventions using rhythm, dance, yoga, and exergaming to improve motor, social communication and cognitive skills of children with autism.
2) To examine motor, social communication, and cognitive development in children with autism.
To learn more about Dr. Bhat’s current research studies and projects, please contact:
Lab director: Anjana Bhat
Lab phone: 443-523-8680

Play Intervention Studies (Funding: Autism Speaks, NIH)
- Examines the effects of yoga, rhythm, and robot interventions in children with autism compared to the standard of care in children between 3 to 14 years of age.
- Resources for caregivers
UD Autism Lab fNIRS Study
- Examines brain activation using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) in children and adults with and without autism between 3 and 50 years of age.
Play Study
You and your child are invited to participate in a research study that examines the effects of three types of play on perceptuo-motor, social communication skills, and brain activation patterns of children.