Climate Change, EJ, and Social Movements

A current thrust of my research involves pressing the issue that climate change impacts, such as sea level rise, will disproportionately impact communities of color with environmental (in)justice issues and environmental hazards.  In short, whatever environmental hazards and burdens a community faces – and communities of color are disproportionately exposed to these hazards – they will be exacerbated by climate change impacts.  The move to mitigate environmental burdens must also involve appropriate, equitable, and just climate change adaptation measures.

Read this recent Vox piece on how the broader environmental movement is diversifying, and why this creates a “more compelling” case for environmentalism.  In conjunction with all the local work done by people of color in their own communities for decades, and the continuing outreach and commitment to climate change awareness in these communities by a diverse co-operative of organizations and individuals, we can move forward to a more equitable future of cleaned up communities and climate resilient regions.