If I Knew Then, What I Know Now: Get Engaged

“The best advice I can give for those entering college would be to utilize your professors. I wish I had been more aware of all the opportunities a professor can offer. Not only do professors help you with your class work but also they know of internship options and are connected with other faculty members. Professors are a great way to network. Professors receive emails about internships or job opportunities and if they know you and your interests they can forward on these opportunities. They are also a great resource for recommendations. Professors genuinely want to help their students get ahead and are very willing to help students.”   -Lauren Stewart-Brown






“As a freshman Ag student I was somewhat intimidated by all the new experiences and journey ahead of me. But, at the same time I felt welcomed and part of a new community with similar interests as myself… the only trick was how to become more involved with my fellow Ag students. As I began to make new friends and become a more active student, I realized how easy it was to join this small network.  By attending Activities Night, I found out about so many clubs I could become a member of. I found out about many clubs such as: the Wildlife Society club, Animal Science club, Students 4 the Animals club, etc. Each of these clubs is made up of students with a passion for learning more about how to care for, and protect animals. I also found that the more I studied in the Townsend Commons, the more I recognized the faces around me. In fact, I became friends with some of my classmates after I had already met them in the Commons. Joining clubs, fraternities or simply being an engaged student on south college allows you to get to know both fellow classmates and professors.” -Tori Bonner
