There have been several email messages using  phishing style attacks to scam you. Even though these two messages look different, they are trying to scam you in the same way:

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This message is using the traditional phishing scam approach. There are several discrepancies that make it a scam such as the terminology, “your email address seems infected.” However, instead of getting you to click on a link, they are trying to get you to call a number.

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This message is using a spam technique. Once again, there are no links to click on, you have to call a number.

Notice anything familiar about these messages? They list the same phone number, despite being from different companies. Instead of traditional phishing and spam scams, that want you to click a link, these messages want you to call a phone number. The phone numbers all go to a scammer and that is how they will get you.

Now that students, employees and faculty are becoming more adept at spotting the obvious phishing scams, scammers are changing their social engineering tactics. The scammers will talk to you or reply to your messages so you feel more sympathetic towards them and become more inclined to give them money or personal information.