Letter from the 4-H Agent – March 2013


Dear 4-H Member, Leader, and Parent:

In March we celebrate National Nutrition Month, National Women’s History Month,
St. Patrick’s Day, the first day  of spring and Easter.  Daylight savings time begins March 10.  Everyone will move clocks forward one hour.  Longer daylight hours and warmer temperatures bring growth, change and more outside activities opportunities.  This is an exciting season!  This month 4-H families receive camping opportunities- Junior Leader Weekend, Younger Member Weekend, and State 4-H Camp.  Sussex teams will travel to the State Horse Bowl Competition, county youth will compete for the top ten slots in the Photography and Wood Science Judging Contests and Clothing & Textile project participants attend sewing workshop and make plans for the April Fashion Showcase.  Details are included in this newsletter.  Be sure to register for each activity, you do not want to miss the 4-H fun!

February activities included:. Quilt as You Go Workshop, State Teen Conference, Public Speaking Contest, Favorite Foods Contest, Foods & Nutrition Judging Contest and Counselor interviews. If you have not scheduled your interview, call Jill or Mary to do so.  Only those completing applications and the interview are selected to be a camp counselor for the current camping season.  February Contest winners are listed in this newsletter!

Congratulations to:  Heather Smith, Bethany Killmon and Kyle Morris.  Heather was named North East Region Salute to Excellence Volunteer of the Year.  Bethany was named WBOC/Mountaire Athlete of the Month for February and Kyle was named American Daughters of the Revolution essay winner.  4-H’ers achieve great things!  Keep up the good work each of you do!

Food for Thought

On February 28 I attended the Sussex County Junior and Senior Honor Bands at the Indian River High School.  I went to support my granddaughter, Amanda Kucharzyk who has been a member of the honors band for four years.  The music was beautiful and the performance of the 149 youth was outstanding!

Guest conductors, Matt Fullerton and Patrick Hoffman, DMA, practice with the youth for only three days.

They provide new opportunities and challenges for each musician-New Frontier March, Let Freedom RingSerengeti Dreams, Cumberland Cross, Music from Wicked, King Cotton March, Second Suite in F, Missa Pro Defunctis, Kyrie, Academic Festive Overture and Selections from Les Miserables.

The results provided an evening of beautiful music and a lesson.  Give youth structure, support, freedom to excel and achieve, set high expectations and provide a passionate leader.  This is positive youth development!

Writing my last 4-H newsletter to the Sussex 4-H family is bittersweet. March 31 is my official last day with the University of Delaware Cooperative Extension team.  After 18 years as Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development, three years as Delaware Prevention Network Family and Youth Coordinators trainer, Family Consumer Educator, and state coordinator for the Teens Reaching Youth 4-H program,  it is time to pass the leadership baton.  The journey has been exciting!  I have made many great friends and had the privilege to watch youth develop into outstanding young adult leaders.  Memories are precious and I value each.  Thank you for being great supporters of the Sussex 4-H Program.  In retirement I plan to spend time with my five children, spouses, the eleven grandchildren and family, relax, read and travel.  “To Make the Best Better” will remain my personal motto.  I will continue to pledge my Head, Heart, Hands and Health to better living for my community, country and world.”

In my absence the Sussex 4-H team:  Jill, Rita, Lindsay, Tammy, Ernie, Junior Council, Sussex Leaders’ Association and the Sussex Order of Links  will continue quality programming.   Best Wishes!   The four-leaf clover always brings good luck!

Yours in 4-H,

Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development