
The University of Delaware is committed to student success and we know that financials play an essential role to that success.

An unexpected life crisis can create a significant academic hardship for students. While the University is not able to solve every financial crisis that may emerge, the Blue Hen Success Grant Program has been created to help students manage a temporary, unexpected setback that threatens their ability to complete their college degree.

The grant is managed by the Success Grant Coordinator who works closely with Student Financial Services Advisers and other administrative staff across campus to support students who may benefit from this grant to meet their financial obligations.

Another important aspect of the program is to provide financial literacy education for students throughout the year in various formats. We not only strive to assist students with managing their finances to complete their education but expose them to money management skills they’ll need after graduation.

If managing money makes us uncomfortable, we will avoid seeking help. We will avoid contrary opinions. Teach yourself to embrace that discomfort. Baby steps are a fine way to start.

Commit to Fresh Foods: Sure, buying processed foods is more convenient, but buying fresh will save you money and improve your health. Make meals in bulk and freeze for later use, you can enjoy health benefits and savings of eating fresh without “slaving over the stove” everyday.

Reduce Entertainment Expenses: Entertainment is a necessary expense. However, it’s also necessary to avoid overspending in this area, especially because it’s easy to get carried away. Take a look at one of the many daily deal websites, such as Groupon or LivingSocial. www.moneymanagement.org