James (Cole) Galloway

James (Cole) Galloway

James (Cole) Galloway

Office Location:
210H STAR Health Sciences Complex


University of Southern Mississippi
Medical College of Virginia
University of Arizona
Indiana University, Esther Thelen, Ph.D. 

Post Doc


Exercise Science, Biology
Physical Therapy
Physiological Sciences Infant Development


University of Delaware, Newark, DE

  • Professor, Department of Physical Therapy (2012-present)
  • Associate Chair, Dept of Physical Therapy (2012-2015)
  • Interim Chair, Department of Physical Therapy (2014)
  • Associate Professor, Department of Physical Therapy (2007-2012)
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Therapy (2000-06)
  • Director, Infant Motor Behavior Lab
  • Faculty, Biomechanics and Movement Science Graduate program
  • Faculty, Center for Biomedical Engineering Research
  • Faculty, Human Development and Family Studies
  • Faculty, Dept of Linguistics and Cognitive Science
  • Faculty, Dept of Psychology
  • Faculty, Center for Disability Studies

1994 Northwest Hospital, Tuscon, AZ, Physical Therapist
1992-1993 Henning & Cole Therapy Associates, Baltimore, MD – Physical Therapist
1989-1992 Woodrew Wilson Rehab Center, Fishersville, VA, Physical Therapist

  • Honor Graduate, Univ. of Southern Mississippi. 1987
  • Gold Key Society, senior leadership award, Univ. of Southern Mississippi. 1987
  • Dean’s Council, Medical College of Virginia. 1988-89
  • Terry Wise Memorial Award for Clinical Excellence, Medical College of Virginia. 1989
  • Predoctoral Fellow-NIH Training Program in Motor Control Neurobiology, Univ. of Arizona. 1994-1997
  • Graduate College Scholarship, Physiological Sciences, Univ. of Arizona, 1995
  • International Travel Award, University of Delaware, 2002
  • ERRIS/NIH Grant workshop Scholarship, 2003
  • Margaret L. Moore Outstanding New Academic Faculty Member, American Physical Therapy Association, 2005
  • APTA Pediatric Section Research, Award 2010
  • Patricia Leahy Doctoral Scholarship, Neurology Section, APTA 1996

Research Interest

Dr. Galloway’s research focuses on motor behaviors of infants. He is especially interested in how neural, biomechanical, behavioral and environmental influences interaction as infants learn to coordinate their early head, arm and leg behaviors for later skills such as reaching, sitting and walking.

Current Lab Members 


Heather Feldner, PT, University of Illinois Chicago 


Elena Kokkoni BIOMS Doctoral Student


John Koshy, University of Delaware, BIOMS
  Devina Kumar devinak@udel.edu

Previous Lab Members 


Melynda Schreiber BIOMS Masters Student


Christina Ragonesi, BIOMS Doctoral Student-


Hsiang-han Huang, OT, ScD Dept. of Occupational Therapy
Chang Gung University


Amy Lynch, M.S., OTR/L, PhD Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Misericordia University


Anjana Bhat, PT, PhD Kennedy Krieger and University of Connecticut


Stacey Dusing, PT, PhD Visiting Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University


Hui Min Lee, PT, PhD
  Jill Heathcock, PT, PhD The Ohio State University 


Michele Lobo, PT, PhD Assistant Professor, Dept of PT, University of Delaware


Samuel Logan
PhD, Assistant Professor, School of Biological and Population Health Sciences, Oregon State University

Past & Current Collaborators

  • Gail Koshland, PT, PhD – Physiology, University of Arizona
  • Geert Savelsbergh, PhD – Vrije University, Amsterdam
  •  Connie Feng, PhD – Psychology, Indiana University
  • David Paul, MD – Neonatology, Christiana Medical Center
  • Mark Stanton. PhD – Psychology, University of Delaware
  • Babatunde Ogunnaike, PhD – Chemical Engineering, Delaware
  • Anjana Bhat, PhD – University of Connecticut
  • Rebecca Landa, PhD – Kennedy Krieger, Johns Hopkins Medical Center, Baltimore
  • Sunil Agrawal, PhD – Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University
  • Stacey Dusing, PT, PhD – Virginia Commonwealth University
  • Reggie Harbourne, PT, PhD – University of Nebraska
  • Nick Stergiou, PhD – University of Nebraska
  • Barbara Ley, PhD Communications, University of Delaware
  • Karl Steiner, PhD University of Delaware
  • Peter Rosenbaum, MD McGill University
  • Sally Wescott, PT, PhD University of Washington


  1. 12/01/07-11/30/12 
    Motor learning and coordination in high risk infants. NIH NICHD 1R01HD051748, Role: PI (12%, 1PM academic, 50%, 1.5PM summer) $756,563 direct funds
  2. 07/01/08-6/30/10 (approved for additional no-cost extension to 06/30/12) Robot Enhanced Mobility: The Capacity for Young Infants to Learn Real World Navigation, and Its Effect on Perception, Action and Cognition Development. National Science Foundation: Developmental and Learning Sciences Program 0745833
    Role: PI (33% summer, 1PM) $324,910 direct
  3. 07/01/09-6/30/11 (approved for no-cost extension to 06/30/12) 
    Babies Driving Robots: Robot Assisted Infant Mobility. NIH NICHD 1 R21 HD058937.
    Role: PI (20%, 1PM academic)$320,427 direct funds
  4. 09/15/2013-08/31/2015
    Robot Enhanced Mobility II: The Emergence of Mobility and Socialization in Young Children
    NSF 1252876
    Role: PI
  5. 12/09/2013-11/30/2015
    An Innovative Device for Intervention in Infants with Nervous System Injury
    R21 HD076092
    Role: Investigator
  6. 06/09/2014-05/31/2015
    Advancing Locomotion and Development in Young Children with Down Syndrome
    R21 HD078708
    Role: PI

  1. 07/01/12-06/30/16 (revised submission) 
    Efficacy of the START-PLAY Program for Infants with Neuromotor Disorders. Dept of Education, Role: co-PI (10%, 1PM academic, 33% 1PM summer
  2. 07/01/12-06/30/16
    From Kicking to Walking: A Development – Inspired Robotic Learning Environment for Motor Delayed Infants.  NSF National Robotics Initiative Role: co-PI (10%, 1PM academic, 33% 1PM summer)

  1. 04/16/01- 4/15/02 
    A biomechanical analysis of arm vs. leg reaching in infant’. Delaware Research Foundation Role: PI (20%) $30,000
  2. 12/01/02-11/31/03 
    Effects of Training on Infants’ Abilities to Reach for Midline Objects, American Physical Therapy Association Role: PI (20%) $2600
  3. 12/01/03-11/31/04 
    The Effects of Training on Reaching Skill in Infants Born Premature. American Physical Therapy Association Role: PI (20%) $1000
  4. 12/01/03-11/31//05
    Learning to reach: Control of limb dynamics in infancy. NIH NICHD 5R03HD043830-02
    Role: PI (20%) $151,000
  5. 2/01/05-03/31/07 Esther Thelen PI 
    Dynamical Factors in the Development of Motor Skill. NIH NICHD. 5R37HD022830-19 Role: Consultant (5%)
  6. 1/1/09-06/30/10 
    Does Early Postural Intervention Effect Sitting Balance or Reaching in Infants Born Preterm? American Physical Therapy Association, Section on Pediatrics Planning Grant. Role: Co-investigator, PI: Dusing $30,000
  7. Supplemental Grants:
    05/01/10 – 09/30/10Pre-Term Motor REU2 NIH NICHD  3R01HD051748-03S1. Role PI $8,415 ($5,500 Direct Costs)
    05/01/10 – 09/30/11 Robot-Assisted Mobility for Infants with Severe Spina Bifida. NIH NICHD 3R21HD058937-02ZS1 Role PI $6,212 ($4,060 Direct Costs)

  1. Agrawal, S. K., Galloway, J. C., Ryu, J. C., Intelligent Powered Mobility for Infants and Special Needs Children, US Patent No. 8,090,488B2, Issued Jan 3, 2012
  2. Galloway J.C., Cope R., Gopez, N., Cope S., Braucht T. Delaware Open Area Harness System, Disclosure UD13-17, Filed Feb 5, 2013
  3. Galloway, J.C. Logan, S., Sit-Stand-Power Walker, Disclosure UD13-¬‐47, Filed Oct 12, 2013
  4. Agrawal, Sunil K., James C. Galloway, Xi Chen, Christina B. Ragonesi, Sherry Liang, Stephen Dolph, and Zachary R. Schoepflin. “Powered mobility systems and methods.” U.S. Patent 8,731,738, issued May 20, 2014.

  1. GALLOWAY, JC. (1991). Non-traditional use of liftwalker. Clinical Management, 11:52, May-June.
  2. KOSHLAND, GF., GALLOWAY, JC, NEVORET-BELL, CJ. (2000). Control of the wrist in three-joint arm movements to multiple directions in the horizontal plane. J. Neurophysiology, 83: 3188-3195.
  3. GALLOWAY, JC, KOSHLAND, GF. (2002). Contrasting dynamics at shoulder and elbow joints during horizontal arm movements. Experimental Brain Research, 142: 163-180.
  4. GALLOWAY, JC, THELEN, E. (2003). Feet first: Object exploration in human infants. Infant Behavior and Development. 27: 107-112.
  5. GALLOWAY, JC. (2004). Invited Commentary on Fonseca et al. Dynamic resources used in ambulation by children with spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsy: relationship to kinematics, energetics, and asymmetries. Physical Therapy, 84: 355-356.
  6. LOBO, MA., GALLOWAY, JC, SAVELSBERGH, GJP. (2004). The effects of specific and general practice on the development of reaching. Child Development, 75: 1268 – 1281.
  7. GALLOWAY, JC, BHAT, A., HEATHCOCK, J., LOBO, M., MANAL, K. (2004). Differential shoulder and elbow joint power: a general feature of vertical arm movements. Experimental Brain Research. 157: 391-396.
  8. HEATHCOCK, J., BHAT, A., LOBO, M., GALLOWAY, JC. (2004). Performance of infants born preterm and full-term in the mobile paradigm: learning and memory. Physical Therapy, 84:808-821.
  9. GALLOWAY, JC. (2004) The emergence of purposeful limb movement in early infancy: The interaction of experience, learning and biomechanics. Journal of Human Kinetics, 12:51-68.
  10. HEATHCOCK, J., BHAT, A., LOBO, M. GALLOWAY, JC. (2005). The relative kicking frequency of infants born full-term and preterm during learning and short-term and long-term memory periods of the mobile paradigm. Physical Therapy, 85: 8-18.
  11. KOSHLAND, GF., GALLOWAY, JC, FARLEY B. (2005). Novel muscle patterns for normal kinematics of arm reaching in persons after cervical spinal cord injury. Experimental Brain Research, 164: 133-147.
  12. BHAT, A., HEATHCOCK J., GALLOWAY, JC. (2005). Toy-oriented changes in hand and joint kinematics during early infancy: A cross-sectional study. Infant Behavior and Development,28: 445-465.
  13. BHAT, A., GALLOWAY, JC. (2006). Toy-oriented changes during early arm movements: Hand kinematics. Infant Behavior and Development, 29: 358-372.
  14. BHAT, A., GALLOWAY, JC. (2007). Toy-oriented changes during early arm movements III: Constraints on Joint Kinematics. Infant Behavior and Development, 30:515-522.
  15. GALLOWAY, JC, RHU, J., and AGRAWAL, S. (2008). Babies driving robots: Self-generated mobility in very young infants. Journal of Intelligent Service Robotics,  1: 123-134.
  16. LOBO MA., GALLOWAY JC. (2008). Postural and Object-Oriented Experiences Advance Early Reaching, Object Exploration, and Means–End Behavior. Child Development, 79(6): 1869-1890.
  17. LEE HM., GALLOWAY JC. (2008). Toy-oriented changes in early arm movements IV: The coordination of hand, shoulder and elbow. Infant Behavior and Development, 31:447-469.
  18. HEATHCOCK, J., LOBO, M. GALLOWAY, JC. (2008). Movement training advances the emergence of reaching in infants born less than 33 weeks gestational age. Physical Therapy, 88:310-322.
  19. LYNCH A., LEE, HM., BHAT, A., GALLOWAY, JC. (2008). No Stable Arm Preference During the Pre-reaching Period: A comparison of right and left hand kinematics with and without a toy present. Developmental Psychobiology, 2008 50:390-8.
  20. TSENG, Y., GALLOWAY, JC, SCHOLZ, JP. (2008). The organization of intra-limb and inter-limb synergies in response to different joint dynamicsExperimental Brain Research, 193(2):239-54.
  21. LYNCH, A., RHU, J., AGRAWAL, S., GALLOWAY, JC. (2009). Power Mobility Training for a 7-month-old Infant with Spina Bifida. Pediatric Physical Therapy, 21(4):362-8.
  22. HEATHCOCK, J., GALLOWAY, JC. (2009). Early Object Exploration with the Feet and the Effect of Movement Training in Infants born Preterm. Physical Therapy, 89(10):1027-38.
    1. Discussion podcast: “Feet Reaching in Preterm Infants”
  23. BHAT, AN, GALLOWAY, JC, LANDRA, RJ. (2010). Social and Non-social Visual Attention Patterns and Associative Learning In Infants as Risk for Autism. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 51:989-997.
  24. RAGONESI C, CHEN X, AGRAWAL S, GALLOWAY JC. (2010). Power Mobility and Socialization in Preschool: A Case Report on a Child with Cerebral Palsy. Pediatric Physical Therapy, 22 (3) 322–329.
  25. CHEN X, LIANG S, DOLPH S, RAGONESI C, GALLOWAY JC, AGRAWAL S. (2010). Design of a Novel Mobility Interface for Infants on a Mobile Robot by Kicking. Journal of Medical Devices ASME, 4(3):031006-5.
  26. CHEN, X, RAGONESI, C, GALLOWAY JC, AGRAWAL, S K. (2011).  Training Toddlers Seated on Mobile Robots to Drive Indoors Amidst Obstacles. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. 19: 271-279.
  27. BHAT A, GALLOWAY JC, LANDRA B. (2011). Current perspectives on motor functioning in infants and children with autism spectrum disorders.  Physical Therapy, 91(7):1-14.
  28. SCHOEPFLIN Z R, CHEN X, RAGONESI C, GALLOWAY JC, AGRAWAL S K. (2011). Design of a Novel Mobility Device Controlled by the Feet Motion of a Standing Child – A Feasibility Study, Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 49:1225-1231.
  29. RAGONESI C, CHEN X, AGRAWAL S, GALLOWAY JC. (2011). Power Mobility and Socialization in Preschool 2: A Follow-up Case Study of a Child With Cerebral Palsy Pediatric Physical Therapy, 23:399-406.
  30. AGRAWAL S K, CHEN X, RAGONESI C, GALLOWAY JC. (2012). Training Toddlers Seated on Mobile Robots to Steer Using Force-Feedback Joystick. IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 5(4):376-383.
  31. GADIN E, LOBO MA, SEM K, PAUL DA, STEINER KV, MACKLEY A, ANZILOTTI A, GALLOWAY JC. (2012). Volumetric MRI and MRS and Early Motor Development in Premature Infants. Pediatric Physical Therapy, 24: 38-44.
  32. LEE HM, GALLOWAY JC. (2012). Early intensive postural and movement training advances head control in very young infants. Physical Therapy, 92:935-947.
  33. RAGONESI C, GALLOWAY JC. (2012). Short-term, Early Intensive Power Mobility Training: Case Report of an Infant at Risk for Cerebral Palsy. Pediatric Physical Therapy, 24: 141–148.
  34. LOBO MA, GALLOWAY JC. (2012). Enhanced Handling and Positioning in Early Infancy Advances Development Throughout the First Year. Child Development, 83(4):1290-302.
  35. HUANG HH, GALLOWAY JC. (2012). Modified Ride-on Toy Cars for Early Power Mobility: A Technical Report. Pediatric Physical Therapy, 24:149–154.
  36. DUSING SC, THACKER L, STERGIOU N, GALLOWAY JC. (2012). Early Complexity Supports
    Development of Motor Behaviors in the First Months of Life. Developmental Psychobiology, 55(4):404-14.
  37. BHAT AN, GALLOWAY JC, LANDA RJ. (2012). Relationship between early motor delay and later communication delay in infants at risk for autism. Infant Behaviour and Development, 35(4): 838–846.
  38. LOBO MA, GALLOWAY JC. (2013). The onset of reaching significantly impacts how infants explore both objects and their bodies. Infant Behavior and Development, 36: 14–2.
  39. DUSING SC, LOBO MA, LEE HM, GALLOWAY JC. (2013). Intervention for Late Preterm in the First Weeks of Life: A Case Series Report. Pediatric Physical Therapy, 25(2):194-203.
  40. LOBO MA, GALLOWAY JC. (2013). Assessment and Stability of Early Learning Abilities in Preterm and Full-term Infants Across the First Two Years of Life. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34(5):1721-30.
  41. HARBOURNE R, LOBO MA, GALLOWAY JC, KARST GM. (2013). Sit happens: Does sitting development perturb reaching development, or vice versa? Infant Behavior and Development, 36(3): 438-50.
  42. DUSING SC, LOBO MA, LEE HM, GALLOWAY JC. (2013) Intervention in the first weeks of life for infants born late preterm: a case series. Pediatr Physical Therapy, 25(2):194-203.
  43. CHEN X, RAGONESI C, GALLOWAY JC, AGRAWAL S. (2014). Design of a Robotic Mobility System with a Modular Haptic Feedback Approach to Promote Socialization in Children. Haptics, IEEE Transactions on 7, 2: 131-139
  44. LOBO MA, PAUL DA, MACKLEY A, MAHER J, GALLOWAY JC. (2014). Instability of delay classification and determination of early intervention eligibility in the first two years of life. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 35(1): 117-126.
  45. HUANG HH, RAGONESI C, STONER T, PEFFLEY T, GALLOWAY JC. (2014). Modified Toy Cars for Mobility and Socialization:A Case Report of a Child with Cerebral Palsy. Pediatric Physical Therapy, 26(1): 76-84.
  46. DUSING SC, IZZO TA, THACKER LR, GALLOWAY JC. (2014). Postural Complexity Differs Between Infant Born Full Term and Preterm During the Development of Early Behaviors. Early Human Development, 90(3): 149-156.
  47. DUSING SC, IZZO TA, THACKER LR, GALLOWAY JC. (2014). Postural Complexity Influences Development in Infants Born Preterm With Brain Injury: Relating Perception-Action Theory to 3 Cases. Physical Therapy, 94(10): 1508-1516.
  48. LOGAN SW, HUANG HH, STAHLIN K,  GALLOWAY JC. (2014). Modified ride-on car use for mobility and socialization: Single-Case Study of an infant with Down syndrome. Pediatric Physical Therapy, 26(4): 418-426.
  49. LOBO MA, KOKKONI E, DE CAMPOS AC, GALLOWAY JC. (2014) Not just playing around: Infants’ behaviors with objects reflect ability, constraints, and object properties. Infant Behavior and Development, 37(3): 334-351.
  50. KANG J, LOGAN S, GALLOWAY JC, AGRAWAL SK. (2014). A Chase-Game to Teach Children on a Robot to Follow Moving Objects. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation (ICRA): 234-239.
  51. RAHMAN T, GALLOWAY JC, KOKKONI E, and LOBO MA. (2014) Development and Testing of a Modular Upper Extremity Exoskeleton for Infants.” In BIODEVICES: 316-319.
  52. DUSING SC, IZZO TA, THACKER LR, GALLOWAY JC. (2014). Postural Complexity Differs Between Infant Born Full Term and Preterm During the Development of Early Behaviors. Early Human Development.
  53. LOBO MA, KOKKONI E, CUNHA AB, & GALLOWAY JC. (2015). Infants born preterm demonstrate impaired object exploration behaviors throughout infancy and toddlerhood. Physical Therapy, 95(1):51-64.
  54. LOBO MA, KOKKONI E, BARALDI CUNHA A, RAHMAN T, & GALLOWAY JC. (in preparation). Use of a novel rehabilitation device in combination with a prescribed home intervention improved upper extremity function and play for a child with arthrogryposis: A case study.
  55. LOGAN SW, SCHREIBER M, LOBO MA, PRITCHARD B, GEORGE L, & GALLOWAY JC. (2015). Real-World Performance: Physical Activity, Play, and Object-Related Behaviors of Toddlers with and without Disabilities. Physical Therapy, 27 (4): 433-441.
  56. LOBO MA, GALLOWAY JC, & HEATHCOCK JC. (2015). Characterization and intervention for upper extremity exploration & reaching behaviors in infancy. Journal of Hand Therapy, 28(2): 114-125.
  57. FELDNER HA, LOGAN SW, GALLOWAY JC.  (2015). Why the time is right for a radical paradigm shift in early powered mobility: the role of powered mobility technology devices, policy and stakeholders. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology: 1-14.
  58.  LOGAN SW, FELDNER HA, GALLOWAY JC. (2015). Modified Ride-On Car Use by Children With Complex Medical Needs. RESEARCH QUARTERLY FOR EXERCISE AND SPORT, 86: A99-A99. 4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OX14 4RN, OXFORDSHIRE, ENGLAND: ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD. Pediatric Physical Therapy: Spring 2016 – Volume 28 – Issue 1 – p 100–107.
  59. CUNHA AB, LOBO MA, KOKKONI E, GALLOWAY JC, and TUDELLA E. (2015). Effect of Short-Term Training on Reaching Behavior in Infants: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. Journal of Motor Behavior: 2015 Jun 11:1-11. [Epub ahead of print].
  60. LOBO MA, KOSHY J, HALL ML, EROL O, CAO H, BUCKLEY JM, GALLOWAY JC, and HIGGINSON J. 2015. Playskin Lift™: Development and Initial Testing of an Exoskeletal Garment to Assist Upper Extremity Mobility and Function. Physical Therapy. 2015 Aug 27. [Epub ahead of print].
  61. DUSING SC, THACKER L, GALLOWAY JC (2016). Infant born preterm have limited adaptive postural control in the first 5 months of life. Infant Behavior and Development. In press. doi: 10.1016/j.infbeh.2016.05.002.
  62. LOGAN SW, ROSS SM, SCHREIBER MA, FELDNER HA, LOBO MA, CATENA MA, MACDONALD M, GALLOWAY JC (2016). Why We Move: Social Mobility Behaviors of Non-Disabled and Disabled Children across Childcare Contexts. Front Public Health 4: 204.

Under Review

  1. FENG J, GALLOWAY JC, DIEDRICH FJ, ANDREATTA RD, FINAN DS, BARLOW SM, THELEN E.  Reflex Sensitivity during Active Kicking in Young Infants. Pediatric Physical Therapy.
  2. LYNCH A, GALLOWAY JC. Power Mobility Training Advances Driving Performance and Development in Typically Developing Infants. Pediatric Physical Therapy.
  3. LOBO MA, KOKKONI E, GALLOWAY JC. Early spontaneous movement: Differences in infants born preterm and full-term and relationship to early object exploration behaviors. Infant Behavior & Development.
  4. LOBO MA, KOKKONI E, BARALDI CUNHA A, GALLOWAY JC. Infants born preterm explore objects differently than full-term infants throughout infancy and toddlerhood.

Articles and Podcasts by Editoral Invitation

  1. GALLOWAY, JC. (1994) Article Review and Commentary: “Agonist and antagonist activity during voluntary upper limb movement in patients with stroke”. Neurology Report. 18:2.
  2. GALLOWAY, JC. (1995) Distant Thunder: Prognostications on research’s impact on upper extremity rehabilitation. Neurology Report. 19:1, pg. 41-43.
  3. GALLOWAY, JC. (1995) Introduction to issue on Upper Extremity Function. Neurology Report. 19:1.
  4. GALLOWAY JC (2005) In Memoriam: Esther Thelen. Developmental Psychobiology. 47: 103-107.
  5. GALLOWAY JC (2009) Guest Editorial: “Just the Facts, Ma’am”: If It Were Only That Simple, JoePhysical Therapy 89: e5-e6 (DOI: 10.2522/ptj.2009.89.3.e5). 
  6. GALLOWAY JC, HARBOURNE R, VEREIJKEN B; FETTERS L (2010) Podcast Discussion:   Variability in Childhood Development: Variability in Pediatric Physical Therapist Practice. Physical Therapy 12 1708-1709.
  7. GALLOWAY JC (in press) Book Review: A Dynamic Systems Approach to the Development of Cognition and Action (Thelen and Smith, 1996 by MIT Press), Adapted Physical Therapy Quarterly
  8. GALLOWAY JC (2014) Podcast Discussion of the article: “A Path Model for Evaluating Dosing Parameters for Children with Cerebral Palsy” Gannotti M, Christy J, Heathcock J, Kolobe T. Phys Ther 2014; 94: 411-421.