NMR Instrumentation in the Polenova Group:

14.1 T (600 MHz) narrow bore (51 mm) Bruker AVIII/Varian InfinityPlus solid-state NMR spectrometer

The 51 mm 14.1 T Magnex magnet is interfaced with two consoles: a four-channel Bruker AVIII console and a Varian/Chemagnetics InfinityPlus console.  The instrument is outfitted with eight probes: a triple resonance 1.3 mm Bruker FastMAS HCN probe, a triple resonance 1.9 mm Bruker FastMAS HCN probe, a triple resonance 3.2 mm Bruker EFree probe, a triple resonance 1.8 mm MAS probe built by the group of Prof. Ago Samoson, a triple resonance 1.6 mm T3 MAS probe, a triple resonance 3.2 mm T3 MAS probe, a double resonance 3.2 mm T3 MAS probe, and a single resonance 5 mm MAS Doty probe.  The spectrometer is used for high-resolution protein MAS NMR spectroscopy as well as for not-so-high resolution spectroscopy of half-integer quadrupolar transition metal nuclei in proteins.

9.4 T (400 MHz) wide bore (89 mm) Tecmag Discovery/Bruker AMX solid-state NMR spectrometer

The 89 mm 9.7 T Magnex magnet is interfaced with two three-channel 400 MHz consoles- a Tecmag Discovery console and a Bruker AMX console.  The instrument is currently outfitted with two triple-resonance probes from Doty and Varian and is used for high-resolution protein spectroscopy as well as for not-so-high resolution spectroscopy of half-integer quadrupolar transition metal nuclei.

NMR instrumentation at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

In addition to the solid-state NMR instrumentation housed in our research laboratory (see below), the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry maintains a number of solution and solid-state NMR spectrometers available for research, with the magnetic fields ranging from 19.9 to 9.4 T.  For more information, visit the NMR facility website at http://sites.udel.edu/nmr/.

Shared instrumentation facilities at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

For an overview of core facilities in the Department, visit the following website: http://www.chem.udel.edu/facilities.

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