Advertising and Marketing
For advertisers seeking to reach University audiences—students, faculty and staff, alumni or visitors—there are a variety of opportunities available in print, online and through special sponsorships.
OCM also works with UD units for external marketing and advertising efforts. Those who wish to embark on such efforts are encouraged to reach out to OCM for additional guidance.
Advertising Opportunities at UD
UD’s online news publication that highlights up-to-the-minute information on campus news and events.
Circulation: More than 200,000 page views per month
Format: UD’s online source for campus news and events
Publication schedule: Updated throughout the day, with new headlines e-mailed daily
Opportunities: Banner ads are available on UDaily stories.
Events @ UD
The University’s online events calendar
Viewers: Approximately 20,000 students, 4,000 faculty and staff, community members and anyone seeking information on campus events
Format: Online calendar that interacts with social media
Advertising opportunities: Banner ads are available on UD’s online calendar.
The UD Magazine is our premiere print information source, distributed to more than 175,000 alumni, parents of current students, donors and friends of the University. The UD Magazine is a full-color publication that features alumni profiles, news from the colleges, updates on student and faculty research, and articles desinged to engage a broad readership through the unique stories that distinguish the University and its broader community.
Audience: UD alumni, parents and friends of the University
Format: Full-color magazine
Publication schedule: Three times per year
Content: Alumni profiles, faculty research, campus news, innovative courses, new buildings, sports and student news. “Class Notes” help alumni keep up with former classmates and lifelong friends.
Shuttle Buses
Get your message seen by more than 750,000 riders annually.
Audience: More than 750,000 rides from students and their guests are taken on the shuttle buses each year throughout the campus, downtown Newark and local apartment complexes.
Family Guide
A must-have resource for the visiting families of UD students
Circulation: 5,000; distributed each summer at New Student Orientation and throughout the year at various campus locations
Audience: Families of existing and prospective students, campus visitors
Format: Full color, glove box-sized magazine
Publication schedule: Annually in early summer
Content: The Family Guide is filled with information on how to get around and what to do while visiting the UD campus.
Advertising opportunities: Full page and premium positions.
Special publications address specific topics, such as summer camps and wellness. Contact advertising@udel.edu or 302-831-2791 for details.