An Amazing Day in NYC

New York City

New York City



What an amazing day!

It was one of the best days of my life. Walking around New York and feeling like a dwarf between all the sky scrapers. That was something to remember.

Today was our first day at New York. We went to Times Square at first then had a group dinner at Dallas BBQ. Times Square was very crowded, but I was so happy to see people from all around the world. The diversity here is just mind blowing!  I think the foreigners and tourists are more than the Americans themselves at those touristic places. I also noticed that new Yorkers have this funny accent. It’s harder for me to understand them actually.

One more thing I noticed is that many many Arabs work and live in New York. I was kinda sad to see them working in low quality jobs. That’s something that made me feel that I have to work extra hard to prove that no, we can be and we can do much better than we are expected to do. I believe that the only way to do so is by getting good education that’s why I’m so grateful for the MEPI program and all the things I learned from it.

The thing that makes me really sad is that this amazing experience is soon to be finished. We have less than two weeks left here and there is still so much to see and so much to learn. I plan to make the most out of the next few days that we still have. I’m super excited to explore the rest of New York City.  We will start by the September 11 Memorial then Statue of Liberty and hopefully we will have enough time to see the Brooklyn Bridge and Central Park.



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