Month: October 2017 (page 2 of 3)

September: Redding Residency to Apartment Living by Jenna Newman

As a Freshman living in Redding Hall everything is new and exciting. You walk into this massive five-story, U-shaped building, overwhelmed, and not knowing where anything is, not even your room. Time goes on, and slowly you get familiar with how everything runs – what times the bathroom is packed, which shower is the grossest, what time it would be impossible to find an open washer and dryer. You begin to realize that just because people are always around to hangout in the lounge, doesn’t mean you always should. Then, in the blink of an eye, freshman year is gone, and unless you’re a Munson Fellow or Resident Assistant, so are the luxuries of living in Redding.

This year I opted to go for something different and get an apartment, and it definitely is different. Here are the top three things I realized moving from Redding into an apartment.

  • The POD is a luxury. If you live on the Turf, GO TO THE POD RIGHT NOW!! Living off-campus there’s no convenient grocery store full of all the things you shouldn’t want, but do at 2:00 in the morning while cramming for that exam you completely forgot about. The POD is no longer a hop-skip-and-jump away from my bedroom. Yes, I do have the luxury of a kitchen, but there is something different about grabbing your friends from down the hall and taking a break to stock-up on Chex Mix, milkshakes, and Subway sandwiches.
  • You miss the community. I was the person who would always dread my hall meetings because there were so many other things I could be doing, but now living in an apartment with two other girls who are on completely different schedules from me, you miss the community. There is no longer the luxury of being able to just go and procrastinate in your best friend’s room for fifteen minutes on your way back from the bathroom. On any given night of the week, there isn’t some event – probably with free food, that is happening only a floor down from you. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing to live off-campus, but living with two girls is different than living with hundreds of other students.
  • Responsibilities. This sounds silly. Yes, as you grow up you get more and more responsibilities and those are things you just need to deal with as it’s a part of life. But I didn’t realize how easy I had it living in Redding until now being in my own place. First off, trash isn’t something you can just go and throw into the dumpster whenever it gets to the point where your RA comes in and says, “Wow, why do you have so much trash? You should probably do something about that.” Now trash day is something that happens once a week and if you miss it, you’re out of luck until next week.

Like I said, I’m not complaining about living off campus, I love it, but for anyone still living in Redding, or on-campus in general, don’t take it for granted!

Poetry by guest author Nana Ohemaa Asante

Nana Ohemaa Asante is a first year Honors student and author of several poems that will appear on the blog this year.

A Girl By Any Other Name Is Not The Same

by: Nana Ohemaa Asante

My last name means “thank you” in Swahili.
“Thank you” as in:
“Thank you God there is jollof rice in the house.”
“Thank you God that this black is beautiful somewhere.”
“Thank you for being the only black kid in this class.”
In the way the class tries not to make eye contact with me when we discuss slavery, segregation and racism.
“Thank you for making this campus look more diverse.”
“Thank you for giving me the opportunity to win $20,000 so I don’t drown in the same debt that attempted to choke my father until he learned to swim and tread water, then began to teach his family how to do so too. ”
“Thank you” as in:
“Thank you Mummy and Daddy for bringing me here
to a place I fondly called ‘My America’ when I was three.”
Asante means Ghanaian pride and Ghanaian hope and Ghanaian love
“Thank you” in the way we African students do a slight nod of the head when we come across someone else who is black on our way to class.
My name means “Sit down. Be grateful.”
Grateful for my ancestors who molded me into who I am today
with clay of the dark earth sculpted by sunkissed hands, worn palms and bloodied fingernails.
Formed with the determination and the inspiration of broken bodies
And broken spirits.
What does Asante mean to me?
Asante means never forgetting where I came from, what I am, and who I will forever be.

“Finally a Blue Hen” by Hayley Whiting

Ever since I can remember, I have always wanted to go to the University of Delaware. Even at nine years old, I remember proudly announcing to my fourth grade teacher that I was going to become a Blue Hen. Having lived in Delaware since I was born, UD has always been a part of my life. When I was younger, every winter, my mom would take my sister and me ice skating at the Fred Rust ice arena, and each summer, we would spend countless sunny days swimming at the UD outdoor pool beneath blue and gold flags fluttering in the breeze. In 2013, I went to my first concert at the Bob Carpenter Center, cheering for Ed Sheeran under the same roof where I would watch UD women’s basketball games with my dad, rooting for Elena Delle Donne and the rest of the team. I also met countless UD students growing up who were passionate about the school, insisting it was the best decision they ever made. Continue reading

“Practicing Gratitude” by Avery Beer

Each day it seems as though we wake up and the world has some sort of bad news to offer. Any time I check the news app on my phone, I am immediately swarmed with negative stories—whether it’s about politics, natural disasters, or senseless human acts, it seems as though we cannot escape it.

Being in college is the most liberating experience that most of us have had in our lives so far, yet sometimes I know I personally can feel a bit helpless. As college students, we are truly in a bubble. We are in our own world of academics, of finding our passions, of playing sports or joining clubs. I know I am not alone in thinking that, sometimes, we forget that we are human, too. We forget that these horrible things in the news can happen to us, we are not protected even in our bubble. Although it is scary, we are no longer too immature to understand this concept. So, now to my point, it is incredibly important to practice the act of gratitude. When all of this negativity happens in the world, practicing gratitude is a way to bring humanness back into the world, to bring positivity and light when it is dark. Continue reading

Swing into the School Year by Joining a Club by Jenna Whiting

“What’s your advice for my first year of college?” I repeated this sentence at every graduation party, friend run-in, and summer gathering before freshman year. Anxious to reap guidance from those more experienced in university life, I sidled up to anyone who even slightly looked like they were in college, or, if all else failed, to any adults in the room who probably went to college at some point in their lives. One of the most popular suggestions among the many pearls of wisdom that were graced upon me was the never-forgotten, “Join as many clubs as you can. You’ll make friends, become involved, and build your resumé.” Joining clubs became a reiterated theme when I arrived at college, too; RAs, Munson Fellows, and fellow students alike all recommended joining activities. I took this tip very seriously and proceeded with a fervent desire not to miss out on any club opportunity, so that by the end of the Registered Student Organization fair during 1743 Days, I had given my e-mail address to upwards of twenty organizations and sauntered out with a drawstring bag full of candy and pamphlets. Mind you, I only actually joined about a quarter of those clubs, but I wanted to explore all of my options.

Those shiny pearls of wisdom hold truth. I am only a callow freshman one month into my whole college career, but to incoming freshmen, or to anyone who is clubless, I emphatically, enthusiastically, and wholeheartedly declare: explore and join clubs that interest you. Why am I so passionately advocating assimilation into college life by club, you ask? Well, the answer is three words: UD Swing Club.

Coming into college, I was skeptical I would find an activity that really, truly speaks to me and that is fun while also being educational and challenging. But I need not have worried, because after the first Friday Swing Club lesson and social dance, I was excited for the second one. After the second Friday, I couldn’t wait for the third one. After my first Sunday morning workshop, I was completely hooked. And after my first Tuesday night workshop, I couldn’t imagine getting through the week without the knowledge that I would soon have swing dancing to rejuvenate me. If I hadn’t taken the opportunity to join as many clubs as I could, I would have never found the community that is UD Swing. I would have never met the people whom I have, challenged myself like I have, and had as much fun as I have. So I implore you, attend the activities fair during the first week of school. Scroll through UD’s RSOs on Student Central. Ask your friends for club recommendations. And eventually, hopefully, you will find a club that will make you as happy as UD Swing makes me.

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