Month: April 2013 (page 2 of 6)

How-to: Broaden your mind and ‘think bigger’

We have all seen the theories that meditation will help you broaden your mind and be at one with yourself. You will be more connected with your emotions and feel more relaxed. I’m not disproving the power of meditation when I say this, but who has time for that?! I know I don’t, especially during a week like this one where my professors decide to have all my term papers due. Unfortunately, that’s when I need it most!

However, I do have some tips on how to broaden your mind (without meditation) but also without overloading yourself with graduate level classes because you think that’s the only way to expand your knowledge. I know Honors students don’t like to be mediocre, so here’s how to reach above that.

1.       Take ten minutes to yourself in the morning. Most mornings, if we’re not rushed because we slept through our alarm clock, we’re feeling lethargic. Take advantage of that feeling and while you’re brushing your teeth, waiting for the shower to heat up or watching your eggs cook, do something intellectually stimulating (like read our blog! Start here for some more inspiration!) . Many mornings, I’ll read through my Twitter feed for the latest PR news or check through my bookmarked websites. Not only will it help you expand your knowledge on things that interest you, but it will also get your day kick started.

2.       Allow yourself ONE fun/challenging class a semester. It depends where you get your kicks, but I would suggest setting aside time in your schedule each semester for that one challenging class that is outside of your major that will force you to think, or take a fun class like Team Sports. You will stimulate that part of your brain that isn’t engaged during your Organic Chemistry classes and work the creative side.

3.       Visit somewhere new. We are lucky enough to be close to at least four major cities: Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, D.C., and New York City. All of them are within three hours driving distance and you are able to take in so many new sites and an immense amount of our nation’s history. Even if you wanted to head to the aquarium for the day, just take that extra time to learn something new outside of the classroom (even if it is what type of food penguins like to eat).

4.       Get involved. Maybe you think you might not have the time to donate to something else as an Honors Chemical Engineer, but there are so many clubs out there! Sure, it’s great to be involved with something related to your major, that’s what I do, but maybe try something in an area of interest. Perhaps you really like environmental causes, or health-issue groups. Challenge yourself to attend a meeting and you’ll even meet a new group of people!

As Honors students, of course we have a full course load. However, we also have the drive to push ourselves further all of the time. Don’t overdo it of course, but take a step towards broadening your mind and daring yourself to think bigger. You won’t regret it.

Don’t forget to check out for some more inspiration! Dare to think Bigger!

Take it easy.

~Chelsey Rodowicz

186 South College Photo Contest Winners!

We have the results for the 186 South College Photo Contest! Thanks for everyone who participated! These the “student choice” awards–we will announce our staff picks (including the  picture that will be put in the Honors office) later this week!

Most Beautiful Picture of Campus
submitted by Jessica Kradjel


Best Picture with an Honors Professor
submitted by Rachael Cooper

Coolest Dorm Room
submitted by Michele Marino

Best Honors Floor
submitted by Jess Applebaum

Best Representation of Honors Life
submitted by Mark DiStefano

Let’s Give Our Eyes A Break: A Reflection on the Boston Marathon Bombings

This week, 186 South College is participating in Honors Blog Week 2013! Along with other Honors Blogs around the nation, we are focusing on the theme “Dare to Think Bigger.”

Going along with this message, it brings me to what has happened in our world this past week with the bombings in Boston.  I dare to think bigger, along with the rest of the country, in reflecting on these events by trying to make sense of this and in trying to find answers to the multitude of questions we are left with.

Ever since the devastating news broke about the events that occurred during the Boston Marathon on Monday, I’ve been glued to my TV and computer screen to find out more.  Maybe it is the communication major in me, but I felt it was my duty to read about it and constantly check the news, my Twitter feed, and the web for more information every few moments.  Regardless of how absolutely devastating the stories and images were, I still felt I had to keep looking to know more.

But, I couldn’t help but ask myself: “Why?”  Why did I want to keep looking up new information and photos when they all were just getting sadder and more horrifying?  Why did I feel the need to know every single minute detail of such a sickening event?  Why do we as social beings feel the desire to look up and read about such a terrible incident?

As we discussed in my COMM245 class over the course of last week, we have a drive for such graphic images; we simply cannot help ourselves.  It’s like a cycle that will never end; the media will keep giving into our vicious instincts by providing such details of the violent events that occur in our lives.  However, as Boston-bred actress Amy Poehler suggests in her video response, our eyes need a break. “It’s okay to not be looking at what everyone else is looking at all the time, to know what you’re ready to see and not to see and to be okay with letting some things rest in peace,” Poehler states.  (To watch the entire video, click here)

We have to realize that as much as we read stories and look at pictures and watch the news we may never fully understand why this all happened.  As unfortunate as it may seem, bad things happen to innocent people a lot of the time, and it is absolutely unacceptable and contributes to why our world is so messed up these days.  I find it unbearable to think of Martin Richard, Krystle Campbell, Lingzi Lu, and Officer Sean Collier never being able to see their friends and family again because of this.  In the coming weeks, as the world tries to make sense of the events, we must learn from what happened to help influence the future so that something of this nature does not affect us again.  Instead of trying to decode the why, we should reflect on the who: both who we lost and who helped save and protect the almost 200 victims.  In doing so, we can be reinvigorated with a sense of hope for the future, as the goodness exhibited helps to revive the nation.

As always, feel free to comment with your own personal reflections or rants as I just did. You’ll be surprised at how relieved you will feel to just let out what you’re thinking.  Remember, Dare to Think Bigger. Also, be sure to read (and comment on) our partner in crime Temple’s posting today! Check them out at

~Hannah Tattersall


This week we are teaming up with Temple University’s blog Honors Lounge to have an online forum surrounding the idea that Honors programs dare us to think bigger. Please comment, interact with, read, share, retweet etc. our posts and Temple’s all week!

Turning Up Time: Advice from your resident Time Lady

Still time to vote in our photo contest!

I think I blocked out the trauma of UD mid-April madness, but when it sidled onto my calendar this time around, everything came rushing back. All of the projects, assignments, and exams I thought I didn’t have in February delivered a collective uppercut, and I’m not the only person reeling from this blow. With the myriad of demands pressed upon students (especially those of the Honours persuasion) as the semester hurtles toward the finish line, the most important thing is to keep a cool head.

time is wibbly-wobbly

Yes, that’s definitely harder than I just made it sound, considering the piles of commitments we have to handle. Time is wibbly-wobbly, but it is also not the boss of you. As your resident Time Lady, I give you your top ten moments; use them to clear your head, then get back in the ring and dominate those assignments.

Standing in lines. For Starbucks in Smith, Dunkin Donuts in Perkins, Chic-Fil-A in Trabant… Instead of cursing how long the queue is, chill out.

On the bus. There’s no point in trying to write while you’re clinging to a metal railing or being jostled about in your seat, so take those precious moments for yourself.

Walking to class. Reading and walking is even harder than texting and walking, because you’re supposed to be absorbing information. You can’t walk and properly read your notes at the same time, so don’t try it.

In the shower. Once last semester, I tried taping my notes to the shower wall and reading them – all I accomplished was blurring the ink on the page. It’s not as if you can study in the shower, so take that time to relax, breathe, sing badly…

Something you love. Set aside several carefully placed minutes to do something you enjoy.

The barest sliver of those social media minutes. It’s not all homework, is it? Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest (not to mention your phone) will still be there.

Right before class starts. Talk to your friends. Sit without looking at your notes. Look out the window. The lecture hasn’t started yet and that time is still yours.

Waiting for the microwave to beep. What else are you going to do for that one minute?

One song’s worth. Pick a good one, close your eyes, and just listen. When you come back three minutes later, I promise you’ll feel more collected.

Ten minutes before you go to bed. You’re exhausted. Trust me, I get that. But you’re probably up ridiculously late anyway, and taking ten minutes to collect your thoughts will help you feel and sleep better.

During a moment this semester when I absolutely could not find the inspiration for a certain assignment, a very dear friend of mine insisted the only way I could get a handle on it was to take a break. That was literally the last thing I wanted to hear, but when I ran out of other options, I had to take her advice.

When I returned, everything was clearer.

~Claire Davanzo

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