Peru: Memorable Experience

Submitted by Madison Werth on the 2017 summer session program in Peru sponsored by the School of Nursing…

It was our last week here in Peru, and we had amazing opportunities to impact the lives of people here. We went up to another community, had to turn around due to poor driving conditions, and ended up teaching a community along the side of the road about hand washing, brushing their teeth, oral re-hydration, teratogens during pregnancy, and answering any medical questions or questions they had about their health. This past week, we were also able to visit Machu Picchu, one of the most amazing ancient ruins still in existence today. We climbed Mount Wayna Picchu, which is next to Machu Picchu, to get an amazing view of the ruins in its entirety. The hike was really difficult, but we all made it and were able to experience the stunning view.  Overall, we learned so much from our experience in Peru, whether it be out in the community, at the hospital, or learning about the culture. Our experience abroad will be one that we will remember and cherish forever.