Morocco: Host Family

Submitted by Kaylee Wolfe on the 2017 winter session program in Morocco sponsored by the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures…

I have been in Morocco for two memorable weeks, where I have learned a great deal about the culture and language. The picture below was taken this past Thursday with my host family. Before arriving, I was a little nervous about meeting our host family. My main concern was whether or not my roommate and I would be able to effectively  communicate with them. Despite having taken Arabic for three semesters, I was not too confident about my ability to communicate well in Arabic. It has now been over a week since I have been with my host family and I am certainly feeling more comfortable with my Arabic. The photo  was taken by our host sister, Aya. She taught my roommate and I how to dance to Moroccan music. She speaks English well and helps us communicate when we cannot find a way to express what we are saying in Arabic. My roommate Anna and I teach them words in English and the family will speak to us in Arabic, and at meals they will tell us the name of the food in Arabic. Even though I was nervous at first about staying with a host family, I would have to say that I am getting the most out of my experience by doing so. Everyday I am able to practice my Arabic with the family and learn cultural ideas that can’t necessarily be taught in a classroom.