Salamanca, Spain: Can I have a Redo?

Submitted by Megan Crowley on the 2016 summer session program in Salamanca, Spain sponsored by the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures…

My study abroad program was only four short weeks, and five weekends filled with nonstop adventures, different foods, hours of class, new friends and unforgettable experiences. I never imagined that a whole month would go by so quickly. I still remember the first week I was here when everything was new and scary. It only took a few days of getting lost to figure out my way around the city and overcome cultural challenges, like living with a family that only speaks Spanish, getting a taxi or ordering foods. I struggled for a while trying to enjoy myself rather than just trying to get through each day. Some days, I missed my home more than others and wanted to go home, but after just four weeks, I can truly say this has been the best decision of my life.  If I can call a taxi in a foreign country or navigate my way through Portugal, I can accomplish anything! Tomorrow, I leave to return to the United States, and as excited as I am, I still wish I could relive this month over and over again. There are things that I wish I did here in Spain, but as a whole, I know Spain has made me a happier person. Why is it that you miss things more when they are gone? I feel like I just got here, but at the same time, I have experienced and learned more than I ever imagined. I feel like a different person and I cannot wait to show everyone at home who I have become in just 30 days. The friends I have made here will stay with me forever and I thank them for helping me through the tough days and laughing with me on the best ones. As I embark on a new journey back home, I will never forget my favorite moments in Spain… the beach trip in Portugal, uncontrollably laughing at my roommate in Burgos, the hotel room game night in Barcelona, or the river day in Salamanca. Thank you Spain for making me a happier individual and adios until next time!Megan Salamanca Megan Crowley 16J Salamanca Spain DLLC sm

University Salamanca Megan Crowley 16J Salamanca Spain DLLC smBuilding Salamanca Megan Crowley 16J Salamanca Spain DLLC smPlaza Mayor Salamanca Megan Crowley 16J Salamanca Spain DLLC sm