Custodial & University Services

Custodial and University Services provides a welcoming, safe and healthy environment for the University community in a beautiful, verdant setting.  We provide excellence in the services necessary for the University of Delaware to pursue its mission. Custodial and University Services is comprised of Custodial Services, Grounds Services, Mail Services, Pest Control Services, Mover and Campus Delivery Services.

Shipping  & Receiving- General Services Building

Campus Delivery receives and delivers incoming freight. We receive shipments for the University from commercial carriers such as United Parcel Service, Federal Express and various trucking companies. 

Out-Going Shipments

Shipping & Receiving can handle outgoing shipments for the entire campus. We have a daily pick-up service from UPS and process shipments for other carriers as well.

  • Goods must be packed carefully. Use adequate packing materials to close securely.
  • Packages must be clearly addressed.
  • We do not accept shipment of C.O.D., collect, or personal packages.

Shipment Deadlines

(Shipments should be at Shipping & Receiving for processing by these deadlines)

Carrier Time


by 10 am for same-day shipment
FedEx Ground by 4 pm  ships the following day
FedEx Express by 10 am for same-day shipment
DHL by 10 am for same-day shipment

A completed Shipment Authorization form must accompany each shipment. Please provide a purpose code or an account code to process the shipment. Download the PDF form here.

International Shipments

Be aware that international shipments will require extra paperwork, including a detailed description of the contents for customs and a declared value.

Packing and Addressing

Please prepare your packages for shipment as follows:

The contents should be secured with bubble wrap or other appropriate material. UPS requires 2 inches of material on each wall of the box.  The box should be taped securely.  UPS requires the package to be encased in cardboard or it will incur an extra charge. If you have any questions regarding package preparation, please contact Campus Delivery or call us at 302-831-8507.


Campus Delivery maintains an area for the storage of surplus office furniture, which can be viewed and re-distributed to departments on campus. Please call ext. 6917 for availability of items. Note: All items will require transport by Movers Services unless other arrangements are made.

Shredding (Non-Archives)

  • Materials must be packed in boxes no larger than a standard paper box, taped securely closed, and marked clearly for shredding.
  • Please remove paper from any large metal & 3 ring binders. We do not take metal materials for shredding.
  • A Request for Services-Shredding (Non-Archives) form must be completed.
  • Cost: $6.50 per box.
  • This service is for non-confidential paper recycle only. Any shredding of confidential materials should be sent to Archives for shredding.


Steve Kirby

Manager – Mail, Movers, and Campus Delivery Services

(302) 831-6917

Chondra D’Amato

Administrative Assistant II

(302) 831-8469

Quentin Golston

Shipping & Receiving Clerk

(302) 831-8507

 UD Mail Services

Mail Services Operational Changes

Due to staffing and budget cuts the following changes are being made in regards the delivery of USPS (United States Postal Service) and interdepartmental mail:

We are currently operating daily mail runs again. If you are not getting deliveries please contact Mail Services – Tish Peters to be added. We ask that departments/colleges attempt to consolidate their number of stops if possible. If you are a smaller unit and do not consistently receive mail and/or very minimal we may reduce our # of days we go to you weekly. We will continue to prioritize express and overnight mailings and parcels.

If you are working remotely and office personnel is not there consistently during normal business hours, we ask that you pick up from Mail Services. General Service Bldg. 222 S. Chapel St. Newark, DE 19716. On the West side of building.

Thank you,

Mail Services Team



Campus Mail Services exists to provide the University Community with the timely and accurate distribution and processing of all mail.

We strive to assist University personnel in a courteous and professional manner and ensure that all their correspondence is handled promptly within the structure of University Policy and U.S. postal regulations.

Policy on the Use of Campus Mail Services

Patricia Peters

Services Coordinator

(302) 831-2158

Mail Handlers (ext. 2158)

Albert Conner

Kyle Dempsey

Richard Griest

Peter Vogel


Locations and Hours

Please use your exact residence hall address when sending mail and packages to yourself and/or to a family member that lives on campus. DO NOT use the physical address of the package center when sending items. Carriers already know where to redirect their items for proper disbursement to the resident. By not addressing the item properly it can lead to delays or even lost packages.

133 General Services Building
222 South Chapel Street
Map & Directions
Monday – Friday
7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Phone: 302 831-2158

Laird Campus Package Center
116 Pencader Dining Hall
110 David Hollowell Drive
Service Counter Staffed
Monday – Friday
9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Trabant Package Center
156 Trabant University Center
Map & Directions
Service Counter Staffed
Monday – Friday
9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Locker Pick-Up
Monday – Friday
7:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m – 9:00 p.m.
Phone: 302 831-4381

Helpful Hints


Do not mix outgoing domestic and international mail. Mail should be sorted by classification or category, with each piece facing in the same direction and held with rubber band before pickup. For example, air mail, first class mail, and campus mail should each be put in a separate bundle.

When you have a large on campus mailing with more than one piece going to a department, please separate the departments or residence halls by using rubber bands to bundle the mail.

Pick-Up & Delivery Points

Mail patrons are required to provide designated space for the delivery and collection of mail. The location should have an outgoing and incoming container and be in close proximity to the main access door. Mail for dispatch will be picked up from the outgoing collection point only. Campus mail must be notified whenever pick-up and delivery points are changed.

If you have more than one box or tray of mail to pick up, please call for a special pick up (831-2158) before 9:00 a.m. for the morning pick up, 12:30 p.m. for the afternoon pick up, and 3:00 p.m. for the white outdoor campus mailbox pick ups. Without prior notification, they will not be picked up on the regular mail run.

Please do not overstuff the white outdoor campus mailboxes.

Location of White Drop Boxes

Ewing/Smith/Purnell—under the walkway between Ewing and Purnell.

Old College—east side of the building adjacent to the trash enclosure.

Perkins Student Center—front of building.

Sharp Lab—southwest side of the building on the loading dock.

Spencer Lab—north end of the building in the grass area along the entrance drive.

Student Services Building—north side of the building at the north entrance.

Townsend Hall—southeast side of the building along the curb.

Trabant University Center—north side of the building on the sidewalk adjacent to the vehicle turnaround.

University Visitors Center—north side of building near employee entrance.

Mail for white drop boxes should be placed in the boxes before 2:30 p.m. The boxes are picked up beginning at 2:30 p.m

Mail Categories

There are three categories of mail handled by the Campus Mail System:

Campus Mail

Interoffice communications and delivery of envelope-size items between offices. Campus mail does not require postage.

Each individual unit administrator is responsible for insuring that all material distributed for their unit through the Campus Mail Service is consistent with University policies.

Brown or buff envelopes only should be used for Campus Mail. The use of other envelopes for this purpose may cause mis-mailing and unnecessary application of postage. The use of tape to seal envelopes should be held to a minimum and used only for those containing confidential information.

For campus mail, the name of the addressee and the department to which assigned is sufficient for on-campus delivery. Room numbers, building designations, numerical codes and abbreviations should not be used.

 Courier Mail Service

Free mail service is available to many of the State offices throughout Delaware. When addressing the mail piece you must include a state location code as part of the address. A list of the State offices and their codes may be obtained from the State of Delaware website or by calling Campus Mail at extension 2158. This service is not available to private or parochial schools.

 U.S. Mail

Off-campus mail for distribution through the U.S. Postal System. U.S. Mail requires the payment of postage and falls into the following classifications:

  • Registered Mail:Use when mailing items of high value with declared valuation only. Registry buys security. It is the safest way to send valuables through the mail system. The full value of the mailing must be declared when mailed for security and insurance purposes. Registered mail must be securely sealed. Plain paper or cloth tape may be used. Do not request Registered mail unless the contents have an intrinsic value of over $5,000. In such cases Certified Mail or Insured Mail with a return receipt is usually the intent of the mailer, not Registered Mail.
  • Certified Mail:Use when mailing items that require signature control/proof of delivery. Certified Mail service provides a receipt to the sender and a record of delivery at the office of address. No insurance coverage is provided. Certification may be used only on first class mail containing matter of no intrinsic value. Records of mailing are kept for two years. Return receipts will be provided by Campus Mail upon request and must be completed by the sender and attached to the mailing piece. Certified mail is restricted to domestic use.
  • Insured Mail:Use when mailing items with a maximum insurance of $5,000. You can obtain payment for domestic mail that has been lost, rifled, or damaged by having it insured. Insured Mail may be used on First Class and Standard Mail up to a maximum coverage of $5,000. A return receipt is also available.
  • Express Mail:Use when mailing items for overnight delivery for domestic mail and 3rd day delivery to most foreign countries. Express Mail provides reliable overnight delivery of letters and packages by 3:00 p.m. the following day. All letters and packages must use a USPS Label 11-B, which is provided by Campus Mail upon request. Express Mail envelopes are also available through Campus Mail.
  • First Class Mail:First Class Mail is for such things as postal cards, greeting cards, personal notes, letters, and for sending checks and money orders. First Class Mail may not be opened for postal inspection. All First Class Mail is given the fastest transportation service available. delivery is generally withing two to five days.
  • Priority Mail:Priority Mail is First Class mail weighing at least one pound. The cost is $3.50 for the first pound and most deliveries are within two days. There is also delivery confirmation available for a nominal fee ($.40).
  • Periodicals:Is restricted to catalogs, magazines and newspaper mailings.
  • Standard Mail:Standard mail includes non-profit bulk mail, Library rate, Book rate and parcel mailings.
  • Package Services:Includes Library Mail, Media Mail [formerly Book Rate], and Parcel Post.
  • Return Receipts:Included with Registered, Certified, and Insured as proof of delivery.
  • International Mail:Use when mailing material out through an international courier or through the U.S. Mail System. Names of foreign countries must be written in ENGLISH.
  • Business Reply Permit Mail:Business Reply Mail is intended for use by large volume mailers when the possibility exists that a less than 100% reply will be received. Postage is paid only on the replies received.
Campus Mail

Each individual unit administrator is responsible for insuring that all material distributed for their unit through the Campus Mail Service is consistent with University policies.

Brown or buff envelopes only should be used for Campus Mail. The use of other envelopes for this purpose may cause mis-mailing and unnecessary application of postage. The use of tape to seal envelopes should be held to a minimum and used only for those containing confidential information.

For campus mail, the name of the addressee and the department to which assigned is sufficient for on-campus delivery. Room numbers, building designations, numerical codes and abbreviations should not be used.

Outgoing Mail - USPS Preparation

Separate all international mail from domestic mail. Separate all Canada and Mexico mail from the rest of the international mail. Face all letter size envelopes in the same direction. Make sure none are upside down. When mailing letter size envelopes, flaps must be sealed, tucked in, or nested (overlapped). Try not to overstuff letter-size envelopes. If this is not possible, you must seal the envelopes with tape before they are sent to Campus Mail to be processed. All envelopes larger than a #10 size letter envelope must be sealed before being sent to Campus Mail. Keep the top right corner of each mailing piece clear of all markings. This is where the postmark will appear.

USPS Mail Preparation

1. Addressing

Proper addressing is not a mystery. When the mail piece meets size requirements, carries a correct address and Zip Code and the proper amount of postage, it moves easily through the mechanized sorting process and saving time and money. When improperly addressed, mail is diverted to manual handling, which is slower and more costly.

Here is a basic “anatomy of a well-addressed envelope” that will not only assure your mail arrives where you want it delivered, but also will get it there in the fastest time at the lowest cost:

  1. It helps when you capitalize everything in the address, eliminate all punctuation and use the common address and state abbreviations.
  2. Single space the address block. Put one or two spaces between the character groups and at least two (but not more than five) spaces between the state abbreviation and the Zip Code.
  3. The city, state and Zip Code must be the last line of the address. Never include an “Attention line,” telephone number or other entries after the Zip Code.
  4. When using window envelopes, the address must be the only thing visible through the window. Make sure the addressed insert fits the envelope to prevent shifting. Try to keep 1/4″ clearance between the address and the window edges.

When addressing envelopes larger than the regular letter-size envelope, always place the address lengthwise in the center of the envelope. University of Delaware mailing labels are available for use on all plain or blank flats and parcels.

All mail processed through Campus Mail Services must have a complete return address (must be preprinted or rubber stamped.) Hand written return addresses are unacceptable.

2. Packaging

The postage meters used by the Campus Mail Service will affix the postage and seal letter-size envelopes in one operation. However, for best results the envelope should not contain more than four sheets of paper. The sheets should be firmly creased and fully contained within the envelope, thus allowing the flap to be sealed in the proper position. Thicker envelopes and all envelopes larger than the regular-size envelopes (flats) must be sealed by the sender.

Forwarding unsealed envelopes to the mail room should be limited to volume mailings, not single pieces. Volume in this instance means twenty-five or more pieces. The odds are that a single envelope not sealed will go unnoticed and may be mailed without being sealed. Unsealed mail must be nested (one flap over the next) and rubber banded together.

DO NOT insert paper clips in an envelope, as they can cause damage to the postage meter. Staples are acceptable as long as the staple is not in the upper right corner where the postage is to be imprinted. Letters with paper clips inserted will be returned for removal.

Use the proper size envelope when mailing material in envelopes larger than a regular letter-size envelope (flat). Oversize envelopes only add to the cost of postage and the shifting contents tend to damage the envelope while in transit to destination. Do not overstuff a flat and expect it to reach its destination in good condition. Secure it with pressure sensitive glass filament tape.

When preparing parcels for mailing do not use masking tape, cellophane (Scotch) tape, cord or twine. Pressure sensitive glass filament tape is recommended. Gummed Kraft Paper tape is also acceptable and is required on registered mail.

Outgoing Mail - Bulk Mail Preparation

Separate all international mail from domestic mail. Separate all Canada and Mexico mail from the rest of the international mail. Face all letter size envelopes in the same direction. Make sure none are upside down. When mailing letter size envelopes, flaps must be sealed, tucked in, or nested (overlapped). Try not to overstuff letter-size envelopes. If this is not possible, you must seal the envelopes with tape before they are sent to Campus Mail to be processed. All envelopes larger than a #10 size letter envelope must be sealed before being sent to Campus Mail. Keep the top right corner of each mailing piece clear of all markings. This is where the postmark will appear.

Bulk Permit Procedures
Experience has shown that if bulk mailing is used for announcing meetings, the mailing should be dispatched a minimum of four weeks in advance of the event because of the inherent delays in bulk mailings. Bulk mailings are restricted to domestic use only and foreign mail will not be accepted.

In general, all bulk mailings must have an imprint mailing release form issued and be reviewed by Campus Mail personnel, before being taken to the U.S. Post Office, to insure proper preparation. Patrons who use the special postal rates must prepare their mailings in accordance with current postal regulations or have University Printing prepare the mailing for them.

Standard Mail Preparation
Standard Mail (bulk mail) consists of mailable matter which has been printed, duplicated, etc., sent to different addresses in quantities of not less than 50 pounds or of not less than 200 pieces. All pieces must be identical as to size, weight, and number of enclosures. When mailing pieces in ZIP code order, proceed from the beginning of the following list. Separate in order of priority as follows:

Pre-Sorted Letters (Machinable)


150 or more pieces bearing the same five digit ZIP code. These pieces must be placed in 1-foot trays, unless volume exceeds this, then use 2-foot trays. No banding/bundling needed. If tray is full enough to keep letters in place during transit, just apply a “5” sticker to the front of the tray to indicate all same 5-digit. If not, band letters and apply “5” sticker on front piece of bundle. Bundles are then placed in tray.

  1. 3-Digit
    150 or more pieces bearing the same first three digit ZIP code. These pieces must be placed in 1-foot trays, unless volume exceeds this, then use 2-foot trays. No banding/bundling needed. If tray is full enough to keep letters in place during transit, just apply a “3” sticker to the front of the tray to indicate all same 3-digit. If not, band letters and apply a “3” sticker on front piece of bundle. Bundles are then placed in tray.
  2. AADC
    If after separating the categories per 1 and 2 above, there are 150 or more pieces going to a particular Automated Area Distribution Center, these pieces need to be separated using an AADC chart. These pieces must be placed in 1-foot trays unless volume exceeds this, then use 2-foot trays. No banding/bundling needed. If tray is full enough to keep letters in place during transit, just apply an “A” sticker to the front of the tray to indicate all same AADC-digits. If not, band letters and apply an “A” sticker on front piece of bundle. Bundles are then placed in tray.
  3. Mixed AADC
    The fourth and final priority consists of fewer than 150 pieces of any of the foregoing categories addressed to various states. These pieces must be placed in 1-foot trays unless volume exceeds this, then use 2-foot trays. No banding/bundling needed. If tray is full enough to keep letters in place during transit, just apply an “MS” sticker to the front of the tray to indicate all Mixed AADC digits. If not, band letters and apply an “MS” sticker on front piece of bundle. Bundles are then placed in tray.

Non-Machinable Letters and Flats

Letter-size pieces and flats that meet one or more of the nonmachinable characteristics may be subject to the nonmachinable surcharge.

  1. 5-Digit
    Separate 10 or more pieces bearing the same five digit ZIP code (fewer than 10 pieces in a bundle not permitted). These pieces must all be placed in the same direction with the mailing label of the top piece exposed. These pieces must be bundled with heavy rubber bands around the length and girth of the package and labeled with a red label “5” provided by Campus Mail Services. This label needs to be on the top piece only.
  2. 3-Digit
    Separate 10 or more pieces bearing the same first three digit ZIP code (fewer than 10 pieces in a bundle not permitted). These pieces must all be placed in the same direction with mailing label of the top piece exposed. These pieces must be bundled with heavy rubber bands around the length and girth of the package and labeled with a green label “3” provided by Campus Mail Services. This label needs to be on the top piece only.
  3. ADC
    If after separating the categories per 1 and 2 above, there are 10 or more pieces going to a particular Area Distribution Center, these pieces must be separated (fewer than 10 pieces in a bundle not permitted). ADC zone charts are available at the U.S.Postal Service website or from Campus Mail Services. Pieces must all be placed in the same direction, bundled and banded as above, and labeled with a pink label “A” (on the top piece only) provided by Campus Mail Services.
  4. Mixed ADC
    The fourth and final category consists of fewer than 10 pieces of any of the foregoing categories addressed to various states. These pieces must all be placed in the same direction, bundled and banded as above, and labeled with a brown label “MS” (on the top piece only) provided by Campus Mail Services.

Standard Mail constitutes permit mail. This permit is maintained and controlled by Campus Mail Services at the University of Delaware. No one is permitted the use of this permit without the approval of this department. Neither is anyone authorized to take or send standard mail directly to the United States Post Office at Newark, DE without the written approval of the Supervisor of Campus Mail Services or an authorized employee acting in his/her behalf. This mail must be taken to the Postal Service by Campus Mail Services employees only.

For further information, please call Campus Mail Services at extension 2158.

Grounds Services

The grounds unit maintains all university grounds, gardens, and the athletic complex. Our staff of refuse collectors, grounds equipment technicians, caretakers, grounds workers, arborists, grounds technicians, drivers, and their supervisory staff are dedicated to providing exceptional service to the University of Delaware community.  In providing this exceptional service we contribute to the greater mission of the University which is to  provide quality educational, social, and athletic opportunities for the university community.

Grounds Services is responsible for all grounds maintenance functions as they relate to the safety and appearance of the campus. We are also the central point for snow removal, solid waste and recycling services.

Grounds Maintenance Products

Phone: (302) 831-2624

Mike Loftus

Assistant Director

(302) 831-2797

Joshua Twardowski



Seth Greenwood



Mover Services

  • Mover Services is responsible for the relocation of furniture, equipment and items for University departments and offices. We are also responsible for the setup and breakdown of special campus events.
  • Event and Move requests should be submitted 2-3 weeks in advance. Please submit a webform requet for services. 
  • We do not offer assistance on personal moves for the general public.

Hourly Rates
Please contact Steve Kirby for rate quotes at (302) 831-6917.

Surplus: (302) 831-6917

Steve Kirby

Manager – Mail, Movers and Campus Delivery Services

(302) 831-6917

Chondra D’Amato

Administrative Assistant II

(302) 831-8469

Pest Control Services

Here at the University of Delaware we strive for an effective and environmentally sensitive approach to pest management, relying on a combination of inspections, prevention and common sense practices. This is known throughout the industry as Integrated Pest Management (IPM).

Prior to performing any treatment, our Pest Control Specialists determine the extent of the pest population to indicate what, if any, treatment is necessary.  The sighting of a single pest does not necessarily indicate that control is needed.

Prevention plays a key role in the university’s pest control program.  Our specialists conduct monthly inspections of the buildings on campus, physically checking public areas, kitchens, mechanical rooms, crawl spaces, pipe chases, etc., utilizing monitoring devices and eyeballing conditions.  In the case of Dining Services areas, reports are generated listing any needed improvements in sanitation practices.

After inspection and monitoring is completed and it has been determined that the threshold for treatment has been reached, our Pest Control Specialists determine the proper control method which will be both effective and safe.  All pesticides used at the University of Delaware are applied strictly according to label instructions.

Pest Control Specialists are normally on duty from 7am-5pm, Monday through Friday.  They are also available to respond to emergency problems during off-hours.

To report a pest control problem, please call 831-1141 and speak with a Help Desk service representative or submit a Fixit request.  To contact Tyra Webster, Manager for Pest Control Services.

Report Bed Bugs



Call 831-1141 (24 hours, 7 days) and the Operations Center will contact the appropriate Custodial Manager to address your concerns.



Custodial Services does not empty trash or recycling in offices. Office area trash is taken by the occupant to a designated common area and placed in the respective receptacle to be collected by Custodial Services daily.


Call 831-1141 (Facilities Customer Service) or Facilities Service Request


There is a staff of 10, to police public areas and bathrooms, remove trash and clean for safety.



Custodial Services office is open from 8:00a.m. to 4:30p.m.


Academic buildings: Most academic buildings are serviced from 5:00a.m. to 1:30p.m. The following facilities are also serviced on the 2nd shift after 3:00p.m.: Student Centers, Bob Carpenter Center, Ice Arenas, Morris Library and Carpenter Sports
Academic Custodial Managers

Residence halls: Residence halls are serviced – 7-days a week from 8:00a.m. to 4:30p.m.; Saturdays and Sundays receive minimum public area service.
Residential Custodial Managers

Conference facilities vary by location. Contact Custodial Manager for exact hours.

Custodial and University Staff

Sylvester Johnson

Director, Facilities Custodial, University Services & Grounds
(302) 831-3339

Judy David

Associate Director, Custodial Services
(302) 831-8782

Jennifer Conner

Administrative Assistant II, Residential + Conferences Services

Steve Kirby

Manager – Mail, Movers, & Campus Delivery Services
(302) 831-6917

Felice Cook

Administrative Assistant III, Grounds Support Staff
(302) 831-0219

Chondra D’Amato

Administrative Assistant II, Academic & Campus Delivery
(302) 831-8469

Custodial Academic Managers

Ivy Boardley – Manager
Co-Manager – Brittany Clark
Responsible for the following buildings:
NW37 015 Kent Way
NW58 024 Kent Way
NW71 025 Amstel Ave
NW81 Alfred Lerner Hall
NW30 American Philosophical Assoc. (31 Amstel Ave)
NW43 Amy DuPont Music Building
NW94 Center for the Arts (Roselle)
NW54 CFA Parking Garage
NW64 Ewing Hall
NW65 Kirkbride Lecture Hall
NW35 Purnell Hall
NW34 Smith Hall
NW02 Wright House – 44 Kent Way (Biden Institute)
Kenith Chase – Senior Manager
Co-Manager – Brian Carey
Responsible for the following buildings:
NS37 Allen Biotech Center
NS76 Bob Carpenter Center
NS65 Delaware Field House
NS77 Fred Rust Ice Arena
NS75 Gold Ice Arena
NS68 Stadium Bldg. N (DE Stadium)
NS119 Whitney Athletic Center
Adolf Brew – Manager
Co-Manager – Josh Hildebrandt
Co-Manager – Verlyn Rayfield
Responsible for the following buildings:
NW67 004 Kent Way
NW33 148 S. College Ave.
NW75 150 S. College Ave.
NW31 180 S. College Ave.
NW32 186 S. College Ave.
NW66 192 S. College Ave. (Ctr Blk Cul)
NW69 196 S. College Ave. (VCA)
NC01 Hullihen Hall
NC32 Memorial Hall
NC02 Mitchell Hall
NC31 Morris Library
NC30 Robinson Hall
NW60 University Visitors Center (Enrollment Svcs.)
Brian Carey – Manager
Co-Manager – Kenith Chase
Responsible for the following buildings:
NS111 501 S. College Ave. (Continuing Ed)
NS113 Sterns Annex
NS22 Agronomy Shed
STC11 BPI (Bio Pharma Institute)
NS02 Field Ecology Laboratory (Insectary Bldg.)
NS36 Fischer Greenhouse Lab
NS03 Head House & Greenhouses
NS60 Machinery Storage Building
NS101 Milking Parlor Facility
NS28 Newton Poultry Building
NS51 Sterns Benef Insect Lab
NS01 Townsend Hall
NS04 Univ Farmhouse (Ed Wilson Farmhouse)
NS61 Worrilow Hall
Brittany Clark – Manager
Co-Manager – Ivy Boadley

Responsible for the following buildings:

NW25 012 W. Delaware Ave.
NW24 028 W. Delaware Ave.
NW29 030 W. Delaware Ave.
NN44 032 New London Rd.
NW36 034 W. Delaware Ave.
NN02 Alumni Hall
NN17 Art Studio Building
NW90 Bayard Sharp Hall
NW08 Belmont Hall (203 W. Main St.)
NN07 Carpenter Sports Building
NN40 Ed Fine Building (Grounds)
NN01 Elliott Hall
NW07 English Language Institute (189 W. Main St.)
NW20 George Evans House (5 W. Main St.)
NN95 Jastak-Burgess Hall
NN16 McDowell Hall
NN09 Mechanical Hall
NW26 Munroe Hall
NN05 Old College
NN03 Raub Hall
NN06 Recitation Hall
NN08 Recitation Hall Annex
NN10 Taylor Hall
NN04 Willard Hall Education Bld
Matt Hanna – Manager
Co-Manager – Chrissy Moore

Responsible for the following buildings:

NE102 083 East Main St – New Bookstore
NE87 121 E. Delaware Ave.
NE85 125 E. Delaware Ave.
NE51 Academy Building
NC14 Brown Lab
NE68 Composite Center
NC38 Drake Hall
NC11 East Hall
NC36 Gore Hall
NE66 Graham Hall
NC34 Lammot DuPont Laboratory
NC44 Life Sciences Research Facility (MRI Bldg. – 77 E. DE Ave.)
NC44 Life Sciences Research Facility
NC39 McKinly Lab
NC03 Sharp Lab
NE103 Washington House – 120 E Del
NC10 Wolf Hall
Verlyn Rayfield – Manager
Co-Manager – Adolf Brew
Responsible for the following buildings:
NE39 005 Courtney St.
NE38 184 S. Chapel – Solar One (Solar House)
NE47 314 Wyoming Rd. (Air Force-Army ROTC)
NE08 413 Academy St. (HR/Payroll/PS)
NE27 459 Wyoming Rd. (College School & Lab Preschool)
NE26 461 Wyoming Rd. (CDS)
NC19 Alison Hall
NC18 Alison Hall West (Annex)
N/A Ambulance Bay (186 S. Chapel)
NC33 Amy Rextrew House (321 S. College Ave.)
NE05 Bank of America Career Svc Ctr (401 Academy St.)
NE37 Computing Center (192 S. Chapel St.)
NE16 Delaware Geological Survey Bld.
NE50 DGS Annex
NE40 General Services Building
NE67 Harker Lab (ISE)
NC27 Hartshorn Hall
NE75 Institute for Energy Conversion (IEC)
NC24 Kent Dining Hall
NC28 Laurel Hall
NE78 Library Annex (Wyoming Ave.)
NE42 Material Management Fac. (Waste Management)
NE36 Ocean Engineering Lab
NE63 Pearson Hall
NE04 Penny Hall
NE06 Perkins Center Garage
NE64 Student Services Building (Closing)
NE29 Theatre Scene Shop
NE28 Transportation Services
NC29 Warner Hall
Chrissy Moore – Manager
Co-Manager – Matt Hanna

Responsible for the following buildings:

NC16 200 Academy St. (Facilities – Maintenance Ctr.)
? Building X
NC17 Central Utility Plant
NC15 Colburn Lab
NC12 DuPont Hall
NC13 Evans Hall
NE01 Perkins Student Center
NC41 Spencer Lab
NW79 Trabant Parking Garage
NW22 Trabant University Center
Josh Hildebrandt – Manager
Co-Manager – Adolf Brew
Wednesday – Sunday 4:00pm – 12:30am
Responsible for the following buildings:
NS76 Bob Carpenter Center
NN07 Carpenter Sports Building
NS77 Fred Rust Ice Arena
NS75 Gold Ice Arena
NC31 Morris Library
NE01 Perkins Student Center
NS113 Sterns Annex
NS51 Sterns Benef Insect Lab
NW22 Trabant University Center
NS119 Whitney Athletic Center
Tyra Webster – Manager
Wednesday – Sunday 4:00pm – 12:30am
Responsible for the following buildings:
NE117 009 Innovation Way
NE82 015 Innovation Way
NZ16 007-A E. Main St. (Charlie B.)
NW78 117 Sandy Drive
NS80 Animal Science Teaching Pavilion
NZ35 Ctr for Drug & Health Studies (257 E. Main St.)

Custodial Residential Managers

Steve Ashby – Manager
Responsible for the following buildings:
  • Lane
  • Harrington A-E
  • Harrington Commons
  • Smyth
  • South Academy Residence Hall
  • Thompson
Elizabeth Bolt – Manager
Responsible for the following buildings:
  • Gilbert Hall
  • Redding Hall
  • Russell A-E
Andri Williams – Manager
Responsible for the following buildings:
  • Brown Hall
  • Caesar Rodney
  • Cannon Hall
  • Harter Hall
  • Kent Hall
  • New Castle Hall
  • Sharp Hall
  • Smyth Hall
  • Squire Hall
  • Sussex Hall
  • Sypherd Hall
Bill Nester – Manager
Responsible for the following buildings:
  • George Read Hall North
  • George Read Hall South
  • Independence East and West
  • James Smith Hall
  • Thomas McKean Hall
Judy Bell – Senior Manager
Responsible for the following buildings:
  • Arsht Hall
  • Clayton Hall
  • Goodstay
  • Pencader Hall
  • Tool/Potting/Sculpture Studio
  • University Courtyard Apartments
  • Wilmington Student Services Center

Alice Kirathi – Manager
Work days & hours: Wednesday through Sunday, 8:00a.m. – 4:30p.m.

Responsible for the following buildings:
  • Ray Street A
  • Ray Street B
  • Ray Street C
  • Sorority Houses (Pencader Way)
  • 183 West Main Street (Graduate House)
  • 30 New London Road