Coordinating Committee on Education

This committee shall oversee the broad educational affairs of the University in a larger context and will provide liaison and coordination among the various educational committees of the Senate and the Office of the Provost. It will examine educational proposals presented by other Senate committees and will provide leadership for University level educational initiatives, which may include initiating proposals to be considered by the Senate.

It shall survey academic impacts, weaknesses and strengths. It will help formulate and assess educational policies and practices and make recommendations. It will review the academic calendar proposed by the Provost’s Office.  It will consult with the Senate Budget Committee to assess the financial impact of academic proposals and initiatives as appropriate.

This committee shall be made up of the President elect of the Senate who shall chair the committee; the Provost or his or her designee; three faculty members appointed for three-year terms by the Committee on Committees and Nominations; one undergraduate and one graduate student; and the chairpersons of the following enumerated standing committees of the Faculty Senate. 1. Committee on Graduate Studies 2. Committee on Undergraduate Studies 3. Committee on Instructional, Computing, and Research Support Services 4. Library Committee.

Agendas and Minutes

Chair: Vickie Fedele

Committee Members:

Vickie Fedele
Associate in Arts Program

Caroline Swift
Business & Economics

Kimberly Isett
Vice Provost for Academic Programs & University Initiatives

Mark Blenner
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering

Karen Stein
Biden School of Public Policy & Administration

PK Krishnan
Applied Economics and Statistics
Library Committee Chair

Karen Holden
Faculty Senate

Fred Hofstetter
School of Education
Graduate Studies Committee Chair

Rusty Lee
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Undergraduate Studies Committee Chair

Henry May
Center for Research Education
ICRSS Committee Chair

Farhad Tabatabaei
Graduate Student Representative