Adding your LinkedIn™ profile to your ePortfolio

Published on: Author: Nancy O'Laughlin
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If you have created a public profile on the LinkedIn™ Web site, you might want to consider linking to it from within your ePortfolio.

There are four basic steps:

  1. Either create your own image or use the LinkedIn™ logo in your site.
  2. Upload the image where you want it to appear in your site.
  3. Go to the LinkedIn™ site and copy your public profile link.
  4. Edit the image in your site and paste the URL you copied from your public profile link.

Create or use a LinkedIn™ logo and upload it to your site

Before using any company’s logo, you should check the company’s policies on the use of their brand. The LinkedIn™ Web site offers a LinkedIn™ Branding Guidelines page, including a section called Logos For Use By LinkedIn™ Members.

On the page, notice that you can choose from a few different sizes of their “in” logo (i.e.,  ). These are images that you can add to your site and turn into a link to your public profile on LinkedIn™.

In addition, rules are provided for adding text along with the logo. Here is an example of a logo image I created:

LinkedIn created logo white bkgd

If you are interested in using this image, you will find it at this Web address: Highlight the URL and copy it. Then go to your ePortfolio site, place the cursor where you want the logo to be located, and select Insert Image. In the image dialog box, select the Web address (URL) option. Paste the link to the image in the Image URL slot. Type your Alt text and click OK.


For this image or one of LinkedIn’s™ icons, remember you can right-click the image and select Save Image As to save it to your computer. You can then upload it to your site.

Copying the link to your LinkedIn™ public profile

To find the link to your public profile on LinkedIn™, first log in to your LinkedIn™ account. Select Profile. You will be able to see the link just under your personal information section. If you mouse over the link, you will see that it is tagged View public profile. Right-click this link and select Copy Link Location. This could be slightly different text depending on the browser you are using. This is the link you will use to make the image point to your profile.

LinkedIn Public profile link


LinkedIn copy public profile link

Make the logo image a link

If you can’t remember how to turn an image into a link, please see this blog posting: Making an image a link.

Hint: Edit the image, click Change next to the link, and replace the current link with the link you copied.


Categories: Google Sites, How to, Presentation Portfolio, Students

Nancy O'Laughlin

Nancy O'Laughlin is LMS Support Manager in the IT Academic Technology Services organization at the University of Delaware. She has an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership with a concentration in Curriculum and Instruction specializing in Educational Technology. Nancy works with faculty to promote effective uses of technology in education. She has a strong interest in guiding faculty in their use of instructional design strategies in their courses. Some areas of interest include: hybrid or blended learning, distance learning, e-portfolios, clickers and learning analytics.

One Response to Adding your LinkedIn™ profile to your ePortfolio Comments (RSS) Comments (RSS)

  1. It is also possible now to just click on Insert -> More Gadgets -> Add gadget by URL and in the space for the URL paste the following URL:

    Click Add, and change the LinkedIn Profile URL to your public profile URL. Instructions for how to find it are in the post above. Uncheck the Include a border around the gadget and Display title on gadget.

    You will get an image similar to the one used in the above post.

    (For more information on this method see the following blog post: