
Head Quarters

Get in Touch

Feel free to contact us directly by completing the form below. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

In order to request emergency medical services for an event, please complete the Event Request form.

The Commendations, Complaints, and Feedback form can be used by anyone who would like to commend a member(s) for exceptional conduct, has concerns regarding the conduct of any member(s), or other feedback. This may also be done in person at the University of Delaware Police Department or by phone at 302.831.2224.

Email Address
Phone Number

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More Info

Headquarters Address:
413 Academy Street
Newark, DE 19716

Phone: 302.831.1203
Fax: 302.831.0179

Request Us

We are currently accepting request for EMS coverage at events. Please fill out the Event Request form at least one month prior to your event. Be aware that scheduling conflicts are a possibility so it is best you notify us of your event ASAP. All EMS coverage will be provided by fully equipped and certified EMT’s. Additional services include an EMS foot patrol and/or an EMS bike team at their respective price.

Event Information


Coordinator Information

Email Address
Phone Number
Phone Number

Additional Information

Dedicated resources are billed whereas non-dedicated resources are provided as a courtesy. Non-dedicated units remain available for outside emergencies and may be pulled away from an event as needed by the County. Only dedicated resources can be guaranteed to remain on-scene for the duration of the event. If you require more than two BLS units or an ALS unit they are required to be dedicated. Requests for more than two units will require an EMS Command Post billed at a separate rate.
How many do you require?
How many do you require?
How many do you require?
NOTE: NCC Paramedics will bill and contract separately. By selecting "Yes" we will assist you in coordinating with them.
Do you have any additional needs? Please include questions, comments, or concerns here.

Please complete your request by logging on and completing the following web form.
Request for Service - Emergency Medical Services Web Form

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Commendations, Complaints, and Feedback

The University of Delaware Emergency Care Unit is committed to excellence in its mission of providing professional emergency medical care to all persons on the University of Delaware Campus as well as the surrounding greater Newark area. Thank you for taking time to share your thoughts concerning our organization. This may also be done in person at the University of Delaware Police Department or by phone at 302.831.2224.

Incident Information

Incident Detail

Include as much detail as possible.

We take feedback seriously.

Email Address
Phone Number

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