The Sustainable Development Solutions Network has launched a new education initiative,, which will be offering courses on sustainabledevelopment created by experts from around the world, throughout the Fall.

Some of the courses include:

  1. A course on The Age of Sustainable Development offered by Jeffrey Sachs, starting September 9, 2014. Students that complete the course will receive a free e-book version of Prof. Sachs new book, titled The Age of Sustainable Development.
  2. There is also a two-semester course on Climate Change Science & Negotiations, taught by Prof. Sachs and Emmanuel Guerin, that will introduce the science and policies of climate change. The course includes a simulated UNFCCC negotiation during the second semester, in which students take on the role of country delegates. This course coincides with the broader SDSN Climate Change Call to Action.
  3. Planetary Boundaries and Human Opportunities, by Prof. Johan Rockström and his colleagues at the Stockholm Resilience Center, offers an outstanding overview of sustainability science and potential pathways for human well-being.