NIH-COBRE: Molecular Design of Advanced Biomaterials

Center of Biomedical Research Excellence

How to Cite COBRE

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) require that we acknowledge COBRE support in books, articles, abstracts and presentations that have benefited directly through COBRE support or indirectly through the use of COBRE resources such as the COBRE Core Instrumentation Centers:

  • This publication was made possible by the Delaware COBRE program, supported by a grant from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences – NIGMS (5 P30 GM110758-02) from the National Institutes of Health.
  • This project was supported by the Delaware COBRE program, with a grant from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences – NIGMS (5 P30 GM110758-02) from the National Institutes of Health.

Please add when appropriate:

  • Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of NIH.

For abstracts, a brief citation could be:

  • Supported by a grant from NIGMS (5 P30 GM110758-02) at NIH.

When should the Biomaterials COBRE be cited in publications?

If the work that is published was supported in any way by COBRE, then this support should be acknowledged. Support from the Biomaterials COBRE can come in many ways. Following are examples of support through the COBRE that may have made publication of your work possible:

  • Direct support of research by the COBRE research pilot project program
  • Use of Core Instrumentation Facilities supported by COBRE
    • Mass Spectrometry and Surface Characterization Core facility in Brown Lab
    • NMR Core facility in Brown Lab
    • Computational Core facility in Brown Lab
    • Microscopy and Mechanical Testing Core facility in ISE and DuPont Labs
  • Participation in other COBRE-supported activities such as such as workshop attendance or travel support to conferences.