Mission Statement

The mission of the Blue Hen Investment Club is to provide a valuable educational experience to its members by allowing them to manage a real dollar investment portfolio. Through rigorous training and hands on experience, members learn about the most important aspects of finance and investing, while developing strong teamwork, public speaking, and analytical skills. This experience is facilitated through the fund’s weekly meetings, sector meetings, trainings, workshops, and guest speakers.

Investment Philosophy

The Blue Hen Investment Club seeks to outperform the S&P 500 Index on a risk-adjusted basis. To achieve this goal, the fund takes a value-oriented approach to investing by identifying undervalued securities and taking positions in them. This process is consistent with a long-term approach to investing. Furthermore, the fund is committed to diversifying its portfolio between different sectors to not only capture the full breadth of opportunity in the markets but also minimize the risk from a potential over-concentration of capital.

To access the club’s website, please click HERE






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