Art in Science

Sponsored by the National Science Foundation and UD’s College of Engineering, College of Arts and Sciences, and Department of Biomedical Engineering.

The Art in Science reception scheduled to be held May 3, 2020 has been canceled.

Thank you to everyone who submitted to Art in Science this year! We had a very exciting time selecting pieces from over 140 images submitted from over 80 scientists. Researchers throughout UD from over 15 departments, including Chemistry and Biochem, Plant and Soil Sciences, Biology, Engineering, Geography, Marine Science, Art & Design, Neuroscience, Animal and Food Sciences, Psychology, Business, Physics, Nursing, and many more contributed! We’re glad to see such a spectrum of scientists and artists.

Outreach Events

Sanford 2019 Outreach

Art and Science invited students from The Sanford School for a day of science and campus tours! The students were given tours of the facilities in the Harker Lab at UD. They specifically enjoyed seeing the scientists geared up in the NanoFab. Graduate and undergraduate students volunteered to give the students a module on how to design nanoparticles for cancer treatment. Students then made their own nanoparticles to target a specific cancer. Students were also able to examine a variety of samples under a light microscope, along with common place items they brought from home.

Serviam 2019 Outreach

Art and Science volunteered with Women in Engineering with their Engineering Module at the nearby Serviam Girl’s Academy. Serviam is a tuition-free, independent Catholic middle school. Last year Art in Science lead the girls through a pendulum module. This year we discuss the concept of origami in nature and used DNA’s helical structure as an example. The girls then created their own DNA helices out of paper!

Ag Day 2019


Blog Posts

2019 Francis Collins Visit

2019 Francis Collins Visit

We were very excited to host Dr. Francis Collins from the National Institute of Health this year! He has been an incredible supporter of our work, which has been discusses multiple times on his blog. It was a pleasure to show him the artwork created by UD's own...

2019 Submissions – Thank you

2019 Submissions – Thank you

Thank you all for you submissions this year! We've received over 100 submissions from over 10 various departments at the University of Delaware. We were very excited to see such diversity and representation through the images. We have just selected our exhibition for...

Call for Submissions 2019

Call for Submissions 2019

We are looking for eye-catching images from all UD students, faculty, and staff! Enter your original image conveying your research within any field of science, technology, engineering, or mathematics. The top 50 images will be printed and displayed as part of the Art...

Art in Science 2018 Opening Night

Art in Science 2018 Opening Night

Art in Science held an opening night celebration at the Blue Ball Barn in Wilmington, Delaware, on Friday, May 4, 2018. The event was made possible by Professor John Slater (Biomedical Engineering), his event committee, and all of the researchers who submitted...

Art in Science 1st Place Recipient

Art in Science 1st Place Recipient

Major congratulations to artist Austin Kuba in Material Science and Engineering on winning the 1st place image for Art in Science 2018. His submission "Xenomorph" was an SEM image of a defect particle on a polycrystalline lead iodide film.


Contact Us

If you have any questions, comments or purchasing requests send us an e-mail at