Asian-American and Pacific Islander Caucus (AAPIC)


(May 4, 1995; Revised March, 1998; Approved May, 2001; Revised and Approved May 13, 2010)

I.  Mission

To contribute toward a campus climate that promotes cultural diversity among faculty, professionals, and staff and to help create an environment for its members to reach their fullest potential.

II. Goals

A.   Provide the University community an awareness of the different cultures of the people of Asian and Pacific Islander origin.

B.   Help enhance the University’s commitment to diversity in educational programs.

C.   Assist the University, in a pro-active capacity, to implement its affirmative action policy as it pertains to the composition of its student body and workforce.

D.  Enhance fellowship among its members and provide a forum for discussion of issues of common concern.

E.   Seek support for professional development opportunities for its members.

F.   Establish an open dialogue with local and state leaders to apprise them of concerns of the university AAPIC community.

III. Membership

Founding members are Asian-American and Pacific Islander employees who are citizens or permanent residents of the United States and non-resident aliens who are citizens of countries in the East Asia, Southeast Asia, the Indian Subcontinent, and the Pacific Islands.  Other employees, regardless of ethnic origin are welcome to be members.

IV.   Membership Dues

Members are encouraged to provide a voluntary monetary contribution at the first meeting of each semester.  The Treasurer will collect/record the dues and provide an account summary to the members once a year.

V. Organization and Procedures

A.   The AAPI Caucus shall have a five-member Governing Board and a two-member Advisory Board.

B.   The Governing Board shall consist of the following officers:

1.    Chairperson

a.    Responsibilities

i.     To call and conduct meetings

ii.     To serve as the spokesperson for the AAPIC

iii.     To represent the AAPIC at the Diversity and Climate Advisory Commission (DCAC) meetings

iv.     To represent the Caucus at events and other meetings requiring representation

2.    Vice-Chairperson

a.    Responsibilities

i.     Serves in the absence of the Chair

ii.     Automatically serves as chairperson following the completion of the chairperson’s term

iii.     In the event that the vice-chairperson cannot serve as chairperson the following term, the position shall be filled through an election.

3.    Secretary

a.    Responsibilities

i.     Sends agenda and announcement of meeting to all AAPIC members at least one week prior to meeting

ii.     Types up minutes and keep a record of the approved AAPIC general and board meeting minutes

iii.     Communicates with members regarding information of general meetings held and other relevant matters

4.    Treasurer

a.    Responsibilities

i.     Keeps a record of AAPIC funds

ii.     Collect voluntary contributions each semester.

iii.     Conducts an annual Treasurer’s report at the end of each spring semester.

5.    Member-at-large (1)

a.    Responsibilities

i.     Represents the general membership on issues of interest or concern and communicates them to the Governing Board

The term of office for the board members shall be two years.  Other members of the governing board may seek for re-election for a second term.  Members of the Governing Board may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms in a particular office, after which he/she must remain out of office for one term to become eligible for election.  The five members elected to the governing board will decide among themselves in which position they would be able to most effectively serve.

C.   The Advisory Board shall consist of two members, with the initial members elected to the office.  The chairperson will automatically serve as a member of the advisory board the following term and the second member shall be elected to the position.  The term of office for members of the advisory board is two years.  One member may seek for re-election for the second term.  Members of the Advisory Board may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms, after which he/she must remain out of office for one term to become eligible for election.

D.  Election:  A general election will be conducted in February of every two years.  All nominations must be submitted to the Governing Board no later than January 15.  It will be the responsibility of the Membership and Nomination Committee to seek nominations or to encourage self-nominations.  The secretary will mail the ballots together with at least one Advisory Board member, and present the results during the meeting.  Members of the Governing and Advisory Boards shall be elected by majority vote of the members voting.

E.   Meetings:  There shall be at least two general meetings each semester.   Special meetings can be called by the chairperson, by the governing board, or by petition of at least 10 members.  Announcement of the meeting including the agenda will be done by the secretary no later than one week before the meeting.

F.   Agenda:  Members must submit proposed agenda items to the secretary two weeks prior to the meeting and shall be approved by the chairperson before announcement.  Resolutions which are not part of the agenda will not be acted upon until the next meeting unless the majority of those present agree to do so.

G.  Quorum:  A quorum of a simple majority of members present is needed to conduct official Board business.  The presence of a proxy counts for purposes of determining a quorum.

H.   Minutes:  Minutes of the meeting shall be prepared by the secretary and chairperson and shall be distributed within two weeks after the meeting.  Records of the approved minutes shall be kept by the secretary.

I.     Conduct of business:  Meetings shall be conducted according to established rules decided on by the governing board.  The order of business shall be as follows:  approval of minutes of previous meeting, agenda items, new business, and announcements.

VI. General Provisions of Committees

A.   Ad Hoc Committees:  Ad Hoc Committees may be formed by the Governing Board for a specific purpose.  The committees shall be dissolved upon acceptance of a final written report or by the Governing Board.

VII. Amendments to the bylaws

The Bylaws may be amended by two-thirds of the members voting.

PI 05/13/10

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